December 2023 FPP

18 Florida Pool Prosm • December 2023 PSN TOP 50 FSPA members on PSN Top 50 Service All five Florida companies on the Pool & Spa News’ annual Top 50 Service list are members of the FSPA. Congratulations on your success. #3 Pool Troopers Tampa / FSPA member for 44 years #2 National Pool Partners Tampa / FSPA member for 1.5 years #40 Master Touch Outdoor Living Coral Springs / FSPA member for 3 years #14 Ike's Carter Pool Companies Oakland Park / FSPA member for 40 yrs #35 Molinari Pools Vero Beach / FSPA member for 7 years Correction: In a previous edition of Florida Pool Prosm an article incorrectly stated the required operating range for ORP/pH controllers. The article is updated to read: “When oxidation-reduction potential controllers are required, the water potential shall be kept between 700 and 850 millivolts.” As the pool const ruct ion industry evolves, so do the skill requi rements. Pool bui lders will need to invest in ongoing training and development for their teams to stay up-to-date with the latest construction techniques, behavioral management and leadership, technology, and safety standards. Conclusion: The swimming pool construction industry is set to embark on an exciting journey in 2024, marked by innovation, sustainability, and personalization. Homeowners are looking for pools that not only offer relaxation but also align with their values and enhance their overall quality of life. As pool builders, staying abreast of these trends and offering innovative solutions will be key to meeting the evolving needs of our clients in the new year. Be sure to take time to take your staff to the Florida Swimming Pool Association’s Everything Under the Sunsm Expo February 23-24 to see products and talk to manufacturers so you are ready for all of these things in 2024. Cheers to a year of making dreams come true, one pool at a time!