Activity Items (
with a class of Donations or Sponsorships) have a price option called "
When editing an activitiy item's price on the Activity Catalog Edit page, the Choices Price type allows you to suggest allowed pricing values, separated by commas. The choices you enter there will be available to you in the cart and available online as button-choices in Connect Forms. The choice price option is only available for Donations and Sponsorship items.

The word "
custom" may be entered as one of the comma separated choices anywhere in the list of price choices. When the word custom is added as a price choice, online Form users will be able to enter an amount of their choosing in the "custom" choice.
The pricing options appear in the order you enter them in the catalog, including the order of the "custom" option. i.e. the order of the buttons, including the "custom" option, will display in the order you enter them.
How it looks for online Connect Form users
Online users will experience a form with buttons for each of the price choices in the order you've entered them on the admin page. If you've entered the word "custom" as one of the prices choices on the admin page (above), that button will allow the user to enter an amount of his/her choice.
For more information, please visit the
knowledgebase article here. (login required)