Courtesy Vehicle Inspections

Hosted by LMTA's Safety Management Council

Don’t let your first interaction with the State Police happen on the side of the road! 

Hosted by LMTA's Safety Management Council (SMC), Courtesy Vehicle Inspections are held throughout the year at weigh stations around Louisiana. These inspections give participants the opportunity to work directly with the Louisiana State Police (LSP) and other station officials with the goal of identifying and educating members of the types of issues analyzed during an inspection.

Each Courtesy Vehicle Inspection starts with breakfast - with both participants from the LMTA and LSP in attendance. These meetings provide a valuable opportunity for drivers and industry members to build a relationship with regulators in a casual and professional environment. Occasionally during these breakfast meetings, a speaker or presenter may be introduced. After breakfast, the group travels to the scales to perform inspections throughout the morning.

Those who should attend: Drivers, safety managers, driver trainers, and all levels of your organization that engage with DOT on a regular basis.


Upcoming Inspections:

Details for each inspection date can be found below.

October Courtesy Vehicle Inspection

The LMTA Safety Management Council will host a courtesy vehicle inspection on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at the Greenwood Weight Scales on I-20 near Shreveport.  We will add details, including breakfast and meeting time, closer to our meeting. 

This event is free of charge, we ask you to register using the link to the right.

Weight Station:

Greenwood Weigh Station at I-20
Outside Shreveport, LA



November Courtesy Vehicle Inspection

The LMTA Safety Management Council will host a courtesy vehicle inspection on Thursday, November 10, 2022, at the Delta Weight Scales on I-20 near Vicksburg, MS.  We will add details, including breakfast and meeting time, closer to our meeting. 

This event is free of charge, we ask you to register using the link to the right.

Weight Station:

Delta Weigh Station at I-20
Outside Vicksburg, MS




Proud members and supporters of both LMTA & Louisiana's trucking industry!