Contact Your Member of Congress


Add your voice! Contact your Member of Congress through the American Bankers Association ABA Action Center, and encourage them to support pro-growth policies that will pay dividends for the communities they represent. ​​

ABA's Action Center makes contacting your Member of Congress through phone, email, or Twitter easy and fast. The ABA has provided talking points to assist you in writing letters or calling your Member, as well as ready to use tweets. 

Urge Congress to Support Regulatory Relief Legislation for New Hampshire's Banks

New Hampshire's banks have long struggled to keep up with ever-increasing regulatory compliance and examiner demands. With the enactment of thousands of pages of Dodd-Frank Act rules, the problem is more acute than ever. 

NHBA believes that policymakers must move away from one-size-fits-all regulation to tailored regulation that corresponds to a bank’s charter, business model, geography and risk profile. This policymaking approach avoids the negative economic consequences of burdensome, unsuitable and inefficient bank regulation. 

To encourage action by the 115th Congress, NHBA is asking bankers to urge their lawmakers to support regulatory relief legislation for New Hampshire's banks - and the customers, clients and communities they serve.

Reach out directly right now by using this helpful link today.