Officially incorporated on January 17, 1966, the Georgia Agribusiness Council's mission is "To Advance the Business of Agriculture through Economic Development, Environmental Stewardship and Education to Enhance the Quality of Life for All Georgians." This mission forms the basis for our efforts on behalf of our members and this industry each day. GAC's Mission is carried through a Program of Work which addresses six primary objectives: 

1. To represent the agribusiness industry in the legislative arena. 

2. To provide economic services to members. 

3. To promote agribusiness development. 

4. To build coalitions within the agricultural community. 

5. To educate the public about agribusiness issues. 

6. To promote agricultural education through elementary, secondary, college, and adult programs. 

According to the latest data from the UGA Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, Georgia’s food and fiber production and directly related processing directly and indirectly generated a total economic contribution of $74.9 billion for the state and accounted for nearly 410,800 jobs in 2015.

 In almost two-thirds of Georgia's counties, agribusiness and directly related industries are the largest or second-largest economic engines.This massive, complex business has invested and created for itself a voice in the public arena. This voice is the Georgia Agribusiness Council. GAC is the organization which provides a forum for the entire agricultural industry to share views, develop understanding and work on issues of common concern. We proudly represent over 1,000 member businesses throughout the state. No matter what part of the industry you're in, it helps to have a dedicated group of individuals who are standing up for the issues that are important to you on a daily basis.