AAHAM's web site is the comprehensive resource for information and assistance in healthcare administrative management. Every AAHAM member has free access to a fully functional menu of services including literature search, electronic bulletin board, employment listings, national calendar of events, chapter information and "hot links" to other healthcare-related web sites. The AAHAM.org web site averages 36,000 "hits" and 5,400 "user sessions" per month. Over half of the 5,400 "user sessions" are from "unique users" and the average user session lasts 8.5 minutes.
Banner Ads
Banner advertisements on AAHAM web pages are available offering a unique marketing vehicle for your company and an innovative way to reach a large market at an affordable price. Placed on popular pages within the web site like join, certification, and members only, offers even more targeted exposure.
The Jobline section of AAHAM's web site lists current employment openings in healthcare management nationwide. Each ad is limited to 100 words in length and must include the name and telephone number of a contact person (also, email, address, fax if available), job location, salary range, full/part time.
To view the current Jobline, click here.