Hulda Osborn Award
Each year, the Nebraska Association for Home Healthcare and Hospice selects recipients for the Hulda Osborn Award. Members can nominate individuals who have made an outstanding contribution as a caregiver, and/or individuals that have helped advocate or support the home care and hospice industry. Eligible award recipients include Nebraska Association for Home Healthcare and Hospice members (except current Nebraska Association for Home Healthcare and Hospice Board members and their staff), agency directors/administrators, staff, contracted staff or volunteers, state or federal legislators, other health care professionals, family caregivers and lay persons.
Nominations must be received at the Nebraska Home Care Association office by December 28, 2021. Review the
nomination criteria and
submit a nomination form.
The Nebraska Association for Home Healthcare and Hospice's Board of Directors will review the award nominations and will select up to two award recipients. Award recipients will be recognized at the Nebraska Association for Home Healthcare and Hospice Annual Conference. They will receive an engraved plaque, a $250 cash award, and an honorary Nebraska Association for Home Healthcare and Hospice membership.
2022 Hulda Osborn Award Winners

Geri Johnson
Geri Johnson has made significant
contributions to rural Nebraska Home Health Care. Geri opened the Brown
County Hospital’s Home Health Agency in 1977 and has served as the director
until present day. Being the Director in a rural agency means not only
responsible for the regulatory compliance, infection control, quality but also
seeing most of the patients in the agency.
While she is the lead of the
Home Health Agency, Geri also helps on the floor at Brown County Hospital and
leads their ‘Excellence Committee’ to promote quality for co-workers, patients,
and visitors. Brown County Hospital administration describes Geri as a beloved
team member who always displays a priority to patient care and her actions
demonstrates her belief that it is a privilege to serve patients.
Geri has also been a long advocate of the Nebraska
Association for Home Healthcare & Hospice. She was President-Elect in 2016 and 2017, President in 2018 and 2019,
Board Liaison to the Education/Program Committee, representative on the CGS
Provider Outreach Education Advisory Board and currently chairs the Nominating Committee.
Geri once stated, “I have a great passion for home care, and I believe the association
is a vibrant and essential resource for Nebraska agencies. I enjoy the
challenge of growing our organization”.

Niccie Stuck
Niccie is from Gordon, Nebraska, and has been a care provider in the community for 25+ years. She started as a care provider when she returned to the area to care for her ailing mother. Niccie quit her job and moved her family back so she could help her mom with daily cares needed to remain in her home where she was happier and healthier to the end of her life.
Niccie found this such a rewarding experience for her own family that she decided to remain in the area and provide caregiving services for other individuals. Niccie has worked as a Nebraska State provider, and a private provider giving her time, care, dedication and devotion to many elderly patients allowing individual, Home Health, and Hospice patients to receive the care needed to remain in their homes. She has been in high demand over the past years as she has proven to be reliable, responsible and goes above and beyond in her caring with her loving and respectful nature.