Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities

Nebraska Association For Home Healthcare & Hospice appreciates the contributions and support of suppliers, vendors, exhibitors, advertisers and others that are involved in the home care industry.  

Participate in our Industry Partner Program.

Exhibit and/or Sponsor at the Annual Conference.

There are opportunities to:

Send eblast ads to the Nebraska Association For Home Healthcare & Hospice membership.
Place an insert in attendee packets at Nebraska Association For Home Healthcare & Hospice education events.

Partner on educational programs or affinity marketing opportunities.

We’d like to hear your ideas of how you would like to become involved in supporting the Nebraska Association For Home Healthcare & Hospice.  To discuss opportunities, please contact:

Executive Director
Nebraska Association For Home Healthcare & Hospice 
3901 Normal Blvd., Suite 100
Lincoln, NE  68506-5200
Phone:   402.423.0718
Fax:   402.476.6547

Contact Us

Address:  3901 Normal Blvd., Suite 100
Lincoln, NE, 68506-5200

Phone:  (402) 423-0718

Fax:  (402) 476-6547

Email:  nebraskahomecare@assocoffice.net

About Us

The Nebraska Association For Home Healthcare & Hospice advocates for its members, in order to represent their interests and protect the services provided to beneficiaries. We depend on members to voice their opinions, share stories and insight to help us protect those rights and represent their businesses. The association strives to positively influence public policy efforts on behalf of members at the local, state and federal levels, provides regulatory and legislative updates and hosts professional development events to help ensure members receive up-to-date education in order to deliver care and services to their clients.





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