Training On-site Assistance
Our training and technical assistance to small, public water systems including non-transient, non-community (NTNC) and transient non-community TNC systems (schools, hospitals and restaurants) personnel, to achieve and maintain compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).
To prioritize the top state specific compliance and regulatory issues to enhance system compliance with current and upcoming SDWA rules and regulations.
Our TOSA Contact is Rick Howlett 
Water Circuit Rider Program:
NEW! UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) or Drone technology can provide photography and inspection of all vertical assets. Tank and tower inspections and overall system photography can be a useful tool for Asset Management plans or incorporate this imagery into an annual inspection.
Download the Flyer (PDF)
The Circuit Rider Program provides hands-on assistance to water systems regarding leak detection, pipe location,and GPS Mapping as well as other operational matters such as water quality reporting, testing, equipment information, and emergency response planning. Circuit Riders also distribute valuable information on new water regulatory and compliance rules, loan and grant applications, and other managerial issues.
NJWA Water Circuit Riders are Paul Britt
and Dave Leister;
Wastewater Training and Technical Assistance Program:
NJWA provides free on-site technical assistance to small and rural wastewater treatment and collection systems through the Wastewater Technical Assistance Program and the Wastewater Training and Technical Assistance Program both funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service. These programs provide hands-on assistance for line location, leak detection and training to wastewater systems in areas such as operator certification renewal, treatment, biological process control, laboratory procedures, collection systems, and industrial pretreatment. The emphasis of the technical assistance is promoting low cost, long-term solutions. NJWA Wastewater Circuit Rider is Thomas Tsismetzoglou 
Sourcewater Protection Program:
"Source water" includes all untreated waters from streams, rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers that supply public water systems and private wells. Whether a public water system relies on groundwater or surface water, protection of the system's source is crucial.
Source protection planning helps to:
- Minimize threats to public health.
- Prevent expensive treatment upgrades and the need for source replacement.
- Increase public confidence in drinking water quality.
Source Water Protection Specialist seeks the guidance and input of local stake holders during the planning process to ensure that the completed source water protection plan reflects the needs of the local community. Individuals on the planning team commonly include local government officials, water suppliers, representatives from various county and regional agencies, and individuals from interested non-governmental organizations.
NJWA Sourcewater Protection Specialist is Mitch Mickley