• Exhibitor Registration

    October 19th-20th, 2022

    Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City, NJ

    2022 Annual Management & Technical Conference

    **Pre-Conference Training - October 18th, 2022
Please Note:

If you have questions please contact our office 609-242-7111


Exhibitor Registration

NJWA Conference Exhibitors are Companies and Federal / State agencies that provide information, equipment, treatment technologies and professional services to the water and wastewater community.  We also welcome exhibitors that provide information on rule compliance, educational programs, funding sources and data management services.

Make your advertising dollars go farther!

Our conference is an excellent opportunity to present your products and services in a one-on-one format with system Directors, Managers, Supervisors and Operators.

  • Attend regulatory training sessions which will help you anticipate future industry needs
  • Increase your prominence and demonstrate your expertise by instructing
  • Enhance your brand exposure by becoming a Breakfast, Lunch or Evening Social Sponsor.
  • Network with agency representatives, system managers and operators.
Directions and Exhibitor Setup Details
It's always a great time to DO|AC! Although the summer season will be over. October is still a great time of year to visit Atlantic City. The Golden Nugget is one of the premiere hotels in the Marina District.


Shipping Instruction - Golden Nugget Atlantic City (PDF) 

Exhibitor Setup Information:  

Exhibitor can begin setting up booths on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022 after 2:00PM in the Grand Ballroom. 

Please Note: If you need assistance with transporting your exhibit material to the exhibit hall, you will need to use the loading dock. More details can be found in the Shipping Instruction information above. 




Map Your Drive.
Vendor Drop Off Location
Vendor Unloading Location