Whether you realize it or not, you are involved in politics in some capacity. Legislators make decisions every day that could potentially affect the way credit unions do business. Other financial institutions, with interests very different from credit unions, actively lobby, campaign and contribute to candidates favorable to their cause.
For these reasons, we need to do all we can to elect and support candidates for office that share the credit union vision, ensuring we remain strong and relevant. This is done through the Credit Union Legislative Action Council (CULAC). CULAC promotes the support of pro-credit union candidates to the U.S. Congress and the Louisiana Legislature through political action committee contributions. By pooling resources, credit unions are able to maximize the collective impact of donations in the support of those who promote favorable legislation to support and enhance the credit union industry.
For more information, visit the national CULAC website.
Please note that in order to be able to accept contributions from credit union members and professionals, your credit union must have a current signed permission agreement on file. Permission agreements can be found in the PAC resources section.