The CULAC Committee created the Cypress Club, as a counterpart to the current Pelican Club, to engage Louisiana's Young Professionals in CULAC fundraising efforts. For a young professional to be recognized as a member of the Cypress Club, they must contribute $250 to CULAC per calendar year. Those that achieve this level of contribution will be given a Cypress Club shirt to be worn during the annual YPN Workshop as well as the Friday of LCUL's Annual Convention. To check your contributions for 2021, please email
Contributions to CULAC are not tax deductible. Individuals who are associated with CUNA's state credit union leagues or with CUNA-affiliated credit unions that have signed a permission agreement with their leagues are eligible to participate in CULAC. All contributions to CULAC are strictly voluntary and will be used for political purposes. You have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal.