
Volunteer Fire Agency Resources

Welcome to our Volunteer Resources page!  This page was developed with our Washington volunteer fire agencies in mind.  If you have a resource you would like to share, please add it through the "Letterbox" below, or email it to us at

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Volunteer Photos


Posted: May 3, 2016
Comments: 0
It’s the middle of a gorgeous day in Kennewick, WA. The sun is shining, the springtime air is warm, and I’m standing here watching 25 high-school students coming together to practice putting out a car fire. They work with the discipline and focus of experienced firefighters 10 years their senior. There’s an outstanding cohesion, and a genuine delight, to the way these students organize themselves to complete the task at hand. It’s a level of teamwork you rarely see outside an actual department. Their instructor, Nathan Allington, guides them lightly, occasionally shouting out a reminder or an instruction to keep the teens on point, but for the most part this class works like a high-functioning machine. It’s amazing, really...
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Posted: May 3, 2016
Comments: 0
National EMS Week will take place May 15-21 with the theme “Called to Care.” Use this opportunity to recognize the achievements of the EMS providers in your department as well as let your community know your department needs more EMS volunteers. Find planning information and resources from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) web site and the EMS Strong web site sponsored by ACEP and the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians. Learn about the NVFC’s EMS/Rescue Section and how you can be part of the national voice of volunteer EMS here.
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5/3/2016 3:01 PM   (Older Versions)
5/3/2016 3:00 PM   (Older Versions)
5/3/2016 3:22 PM   (Older Versions)
7/6/2016 11:21 AM   (Older Versions)



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