Title 52 of the Revised
Code of Washington (RCW) provides
the laws pertaining to Fire Districts. In 2004, RCW 52.26
was adopted by the State Legislature and added to Title 52 which allows for the formation and operation of Regional
Fire Authorities (RFA). The RFA, in effect, operates like a fire district
and thus has been codified under the majority of the laws applicable to fire districts. There are, however,
differences between an RFA and a fire district
in areas which will continue
to be identified over the upcoming years
related to legislative updates.
RCW 52.26 provides
legal descriptions of the process related to the formation
of the Planning Committee and its function
(52.26.030 and .040); a funding
model related to taxation or the benefit charge (52.26.050 and others within 52.26); organization of the governing board (52.26.080); the powers of the governing
board (52.26.090); and many other pertinent sections
related to operations of the RFA.