This week, as Camden (ME) Fire Department begins stocking its new first-response fire truck, the crew awaits approval for an EMS non-transport, first-response license, reported.
The goal is to be first on the scene and begin care in a helpful and meaningful way, and to then hand off that care to North East upon its arrival, the report said.
Under the license, Camden firefighters will begin responding to urgent, non-facility, medical calls in their town to help patients before the arrival of an ambulance, and to assist North East by assessing and treating immediate, life-threatening afflictions, according to the report.
And, though Camden has a new truck and is acquiring medical equipment, the push continues to encourage other towns within the NEMHS contract zone (Hope, Lincolnville, Rockport) to follow suit, the report said.
First-Response Fire Truck
With room for four people, the Alexis mini pumper, a Dodge Ram 5500, will be a daily-use vehicle that full-time staff drive when they are out doing building inspections or running errands, the report said. The truck is smaller than the January 1981 Engine 6 that it’s replacing, making it easier to squeeze down camp roads. It also allows better access to the state park, the Ragged Mountain recreation area, and some of the more remote places in the region, according to the report.
Along with hoses, ladders, extrication equipment, and other essential fire apparatus will now be oxygen tanks, gauze, blood pressure cuffs, and other essential first response equipment.