

The Finest Supporting the Bravest!

The purpose of the Fire Mechanics Section is to promote standardization of fire apparatus and equipment preventative maintenance, improve safety standards and practices, promote workshops, conferences, and seminars related to the purposes of this Section, and to promote cost savings through standardization of building and equipment purchasing and maintenance.


Posted: Jun 15, 2017

Pediatric Cancer Patient Wins Ride on Pink Corpus Christi (TX) Fire Apparatus

A pediatric cancer patient got a special treat Thursday morning as the Corpus Christi Fire Department's Pink Fire Truck showed up to the Ronald McDonald House to pick her up and give her a ride.
The ride on the pink fire truck was a prize in an art contest at the American Cancer Society's recent Cattle Baron's Ball. The winner was Esme De Los Santos, who is fighting High Risk Acute Lymphoblastsic Leukemia and staying at the Ronald McDonald House. She was diagnosed at 17 months.
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Posted: Jun 15, 2017

Fire Apparatus Makes Return to Papillion (NE) Days Parade

A piece of Papillion history will be making a grand return at Saturday's Papillion Days parade. The first new fire truck purchased by the Papillion Volunteer Fire Department in 1947 is back with the Papillion Fire Department and will be one of the featured entries in the 2 p.m. parade.
The truck was recently donated to the city by longtime Papillion dentist, Dr. Joel Janssen, and his wife, Lynette. The city accepted the donation during its June 6 city council meeting.

The truck was used for many years by the PVFD before it was badly damaged in a fire in the 1960s. It made its way to Carter Lake, Iowa and eventually wound up in a salvage yard in South Dakota.

Several members of the PVFD rescued it from the salvage yard and restored it. It remained with the department until about a dozen years ago when it went up for sale.

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Posted: Jun 15, 2017

Fire-Dex Promotes Jenny McPherson to Marketing Manager

Fire-Dex announced the promotion of Jenny McPherson to Marketing Manager. Jenny's primary responsibility will be to ensure effective and consistent communication of the Fire-Dex Family of Brands message and value proposition. This will include the development of initiatives, programs, and collateral to support our company's continued growth, as well as oversight of internal and external resources needed to execute these programs.

“Over the past year, Jenny has been excellent in the strategic development and execution of the Fire-Dex message ‘You take care of them.  We take care of you.’  Jenny has been a major player in the Fire-Dex external message and internal focus on product development aimed at reducing heat stress, cardiac fatigue, and regular exposure to carcinogens,” says Steve Allison, VP of Sales and Marketing.  “Additionally, as a world class marketer one must be able to work with the entire value chain (fire departments, distributors, and suppliers).  Since joining Fire-Dex, Jenny has worked very hard at developing excellent relationships with all. We are thrilled for her to take on the next level of responsibility and continue the growth of the Fire-Dex brand.”

Jenny joined Fire-Dex in July 2015 as our Assistant Marketing Manager. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Baldwin Wallace University. 

Please join us in congratulating Jenny on her continued success with Fire-Dex!

Fire-Dex, headquartered in Medina, Ohio, is a leading manufacturer and marketer of protective firefighting clothing, emergency response apparel, NFPA hoods, helmets, gloves, and boots. Fire-Dex proudly acquired TECGEN PPE in September of 2015, as its latest addition to the Fire-Dex family of brands. Visit for more information.   

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Posted: Jun 15, 2017

IFSI's Valenta Receives Regional Fire Service Award

Captain Scott Pascu of the Akron OH Fire Department, Chief Ken Farmer National Fire Academy Education, Training and Partnership Branch,  IFSI E-Learning Program Director Richie Valenta

Pictured left to right: Captain Scott Pascu of the Akron OH Fire Department, Chief Ken Farmer National Fire Academy Education, Training and Partnership Branch,  IFSI E-Learning Program Director Richie Valenta

Rich Valenta, E-Learning Program Director for the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) was honored with the “J Faherty Casey Award” for Region V. It was presented by the Training Resource and Data Exchange (TRADE) group of the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

The Award is given to those who best exemplify the core values of excellence in fire service, education, training, sharing of resources, and dedication to the development of human capacities in the U.S. fire service. TRADE established the award to honor J. Faherty "Jim" Casey, the father of the TRADE concept whose efforts transformed TRADE from a concept to reality. Award winners exhibit those skills and qualities that Casey demonstrated in concert with colleagues nationwide. Casey served as Deputy Superintendent of the National Fire Academy for many years and coordinated the activities of its field training division.

Rich Valenta serves as Program Director for IFSI’s delivery of more than 15 online classes. He oversees class and program development and manages the delivery of those classes. Prior to joining IFSI, Rich served on the Carol Stream Fire District, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant. He has made presentations about electronic class development and delivery at the National Fire Academy and various eLearning seminars. He represents IFSI at the National Fire Academy for the TRADE and FESHE organizations.

The Illinois Fire Service Institute is the statutory State Fire Academy for Illinois. In addition to training provided at its Champaign campus, the Institute offers one-day hands-on classes for fire departments at Regional Training Centers and local fire stations across the State. The mission of the Illinois Fire Service Institute is to help firefighters do their work through training, education, information, and research.

For more information about the Institute, call 217-333-3800.


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Fire Mechanics Section Board


Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Elliot Courage
North Whatcom Fire & Rescue
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Vice Chair

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Vice Chair

Mike Smith 
Pierce County Fire District #5
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Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Greg Bach
South Snohomish County Fire & Rescue
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Director #1

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #1

Doug Jones
South Kitsap Fire & Rescue
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Director #2

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #2

Paul Spencer 
Fire Fleet Maintenance LLC
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Director #3

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #3

Jim Morris
Mountain View Fire Department
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Director #4

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #4

Arnie Kuchta

Clark County Fire District 6

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Director #6

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #6

Brett Annear
Kitsap County Fire District 18
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Director #5

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #5

Jay Jacks
Camano Island Fire & Rescue
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Legislative Representative

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Legislative Representative

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Immediate Past Chair

Posted: Oct 20, 2015

Immediate Past Chair

Brian Fortner
Graham Fire & Rescue

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