Robert Tutterow |
How do we define a truly functional and sustainable fire station? The F.I.E.R.O. Fire Station Symposium, occurring September 28-30 at the Raleigh Sheraton Hotel, is the place to find out.
Fire stations are fascinating facilities. They can be an iconic source of pride for a community or just another nondescript public facility. Because of their complexity, only a handful of architects are experienced enough to design a truly functional and sustainable facility. They are complex in that they can have any of the following elements: garage, restaurant, dormitory, family room, classroom, offices, repair shops, warehouse, fitness room, decontamination room, community rooms, training props, museum, and other elements particular to a community. Each of the elements has unique characteristics to the fire service.
A veteran metro fire chief once said the two most difficult things about a fire station are putting one in a neighborhood and taking one out of a neighborhood. Unfortunately, most news stories about fire stations involve community push back when a new station in proposed-i.e., NIMBY. To address this situation, one of the F.I.E.R.O. Symposium presentations will be by Dennis Ross, titled "Gaining and Maintaining Community Support." For many fire personnel, the design and building of a fire station is a once-in-a-career challenge. Ken Newell's presentation titled "Where Do I Start" is ideal for setting the stage for a station that meets the fire department's and community's needs. There will also be a presentation on site selection and a "Firehouse Design 101" presentation.
Safety and Health
As this is a safety column, I would be remiss if I did not mention fire station safety. Having reviewed almost 3,000 firefighter personal injury reports during my career, I was astonished at how many occurred in and around the fire station. Fortunately, most were minor injuries, but there were a notable number that led to lost time and high workers' compensation costs. In fact, the most expensive workers' compensation case during my 24 years as health and safety officer occurred as the result of a slide-pole injury to a civilian employee. Though not firefighter-related, the costs and impact on that person and the city were the same as if it happened to a firefighter. Slips, falls, sprains, and strains are common fire station injuries. Kevin Roche will give a presentation about safety in the fire station. He has a very comprehensive list of station-related safety and health issues, complete with photos, that is historically one of the highest rated presentations.
Cancer and Fire Stations
Cancer is the silent killer of firefighters, and the fire station has been referred to as a collection point for carcinogens for fire incidents. Note the use of the word "collection" rather than "containment." I think the fire station is a distribution point for carcinogens as firefighters often carry contaminated gear with them when they leave the station. In addition, we allow the public to touch, wear, and handle contaminated gear and equipment during station tours. To learn ways to minimize this risk, Paul Erickson of LeMay Erickson Willcox Architects will present "Hot Zone Design: Contain the Contaminants." This is a concept he has pioneered.
An additional health and safety presentation related to cancer will be given by Kirk Owen, retired assistant chief with the Plano (TX) Fire Department and past chair of the National Fire Protect