After a buyer for a new ladder truck suddenly backed out, Escambia County (FL) Fire Rescue can buy an aerial to supplement one that’s been out of service for about 600 days, according to a report published by
According to the report, the department’s Ladder 5, a refurbished 1991 75-foot aerial, has been challenging to put on the road, but parts have been obtained and the plan is to put the truck back in service. The report said a second brand new aerial also became available and the department had considered purchasing it as well, but the county commissioners voted not to make the second purchase.
The new aerial, a 2023 E-ONE HR100 aerial ladder will cost $1,251,724.30 and should be delivered in November or December of next year, according to the report.
Some commissioners had hoped to purchase a second truck that became available, a platform aerial for $1.5 million to eventually replace the 1991 model, but the majority of the commissioners decided not to, according to the report.