

The Finest Supporting the Bravest!

The purpose of the Fire Mechanics Section is to promote standardization of fire apparatus and equipment preventative maintenance, improve safety standards and practices, promote workshops, conferences, and seminars related to the purposes of this Section, and to promote cost savings through standardization of building and equipment purchasing and maintenance.


Posted: Mar 29, 2022

Baltimore (MD) Engine Loses Bumper at Fire Scene, Union Urges Fleet Upgrades

Baltimore firefighters responded to a a three-story house in the city’s Park Heights neighborhood Thursday that put the poor condition of the city’s fleet of fire engines on display.

While responding Engine 29 lost its bumper and hydrant connection.

Union President John Fannon urged the City Council to adopt NFPA 1911 as the standard for maintenance of the city’s fleet of apparatus.

The fire started around 3 p.m. at the home in the 4600 block of Pimlico Road. By 4 p.m., firefighters had extinguished the fire.

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Posted: Mar 29, 2022

See More Progress on Seymour (IN) Fire Department’s New Station

The Seymour Fire Department posted pictures of the progress made on its new station.

Related Articles:
See Progress on Seymour (IN) Fire Department’s Future Station
Seymour (IN) Fire Department Breaks Ground on $5.75M Station 2
Seymour (IN) Fire Station Construction Planned for Summer
The Seymour (IN) Fire Department Offers Detailed Look at New Pierce Truck

The facility, located on W 2nd Street near Community Drive, will soon be ready for action, the department says.

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Posted: Mar 29, 2022

$72M, Eight-Station Renovation Underway in Cambridge (MA)

A multi-year, $72 million renovation of Cambridge’s eight fire stations, many of which were built in the late 1800s, is well underway. In FY18, an initial appropriation of $2 million provided funds for immediate repairs to multiple fire stations to improve working and living conditions.

The renovations include locating living areas further away from other areas of fire houses. This reduces prolonged exposure to pollutants from fires that can stick to firefighter gear and equipment.

“I am very pleased that the City is investing an estimated $72 million for these important fire station renovations and toward improving the living areas for our first responders who take risks every single day to keep our community safe,” said Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale.

Building upgrades and/or renovations completed to date or in the works include:

East Cambridge, Station 3 (175 Cambridge Street). Upgrades totaling $1.7 million were made to the electrical and HVAC systems, second floor lighting, and ceiling. In 2022, the original sanitary sewer pipe in the building will be replaced and a new backup generator will be designed and installed.

Taylor Square, Station 8 (113 Garden Street). A $7.2 million renovation included extensive building and energy saving upgrades, with geothermal HVAC system, LED lighting, a new roof, and solar panels. The building was deep cleaned and painted and the kitchen was refurbished. Lightning protection and an emergency generator were also installed.

River Street, Station 6 (176 River Street). A $5.4 million renovation, scheduled for completion in March 2022, includes upgraded geothermal HVAC system, a new sprinkler system, new kitchen appliances, cabinets and countertops, IT improvements, new lighting, fitness area, and more. The first floor includes a personnel and equipment decontamination area and a separate bunker gear extractor (for washing pollutants from smoke). The living area on the second floor includes 6 new bedrooms, 3 restrooms, and a washer and dryer.

Lexington Ave., Station 9 (167 Lexington Avenue). The $4.3 million renovation, scheduled for completion in March 2022, include upgraded HVAC system, a new sprinkler system, new kitchen appliances, cabinets and countertops, IT improvements, new lighting, fitness area, and more. The first floor includes a personnel and equipment decontamination area and bunker gear extractor. The separate living area includes 4 new bedrooms, 2 restrooms, and a washer and dryer.

A complete renovation of Fire Headquarters is expected to begin later this year. Design work on improvements to Lafayette Square fire station has begun and a feasibility study is underway for Inman Square Fire Station. Design work for Porter Square Fire Station is slated for 2023.

“The men and women of the Cambridge Fire Department are grateful for the investment and commitment of the City Manager and his staff along with the City Council to make these significant upgrades,” said Fire Chief Gerard E. Mahoney. “We are committed to providing our fire personnel with a safe and secure environment in which to work coupled with excellent equipment and training.”

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Posted: Mar 29, 2022

Open House Planned for Nixa (MO) Fire Protection District’s Bond Election

The Nixa Fire Protection District will be hosting an Open House at Fire Station 1, 711 N. Main Street, on Friday April 1 from 5-7 p.m. in advance of the no tax increase bond election on April 5. 

The open house will be an informal come and go type event to provide an opportunity for members of the community to learn about the question on the April 5th, 2022 ballot.

The question asks: Shall Nixa Fire Protection District issue its general obligation bonds in the amount of $6,400,000 for the purpose of constructing, furnishing, and equipping a new fire station; renovating, improving, and repairing existing fire stations; and acquiring fire trucks, vehicles, and other firefighting and emergency apparatus and equipment?

Members of the Board of Directors and Administrative Staff will be on hand to discuss the renewal of this Bond Issue. Plans and Information for the projects being proposed will be available for the public to review. Those projects have been identified as:

1. Construction of a brand-new Fire Station #1 at 710 N. McCroskey Street on property purchased and owned by the District since December 2021. Cost of this project will include furniture, fixtures, and equipment necessary to operate the new Fire Station.

2. Renovation of the current Fire Station #1 located at 711 N. Main Street to serve as a fire training center with improved public meeting spaces and general repairs and upgrades. Upgrades and repairs to other existing fire stations as funds allow.

3. Purchase of fire apparatus and equipment starting with an immediate purchase of one new Fire Engine. Other apparatus purchases to be determined as funds allow.

Please consider joining us at the Open House on Friday April 1st to learn more about the Bond Issue and future plans of the Fire District.