What would you do? Part 1 - The Fix

What would you do? Part 1
Welcome to all
those who have recently signed up for our
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Would You Do?
Part 1
I have
always enjoyed hearing stories of difficult repairs and the final
solution. Here's a true story for you that was told to me by a
A repair shop was working with a sedan and the customer complaint was
the transmission would not shift. The make and model of the vehicle
and the type of repair shop, independent or dealership does not have
any particular bearing on this story and the fix. Let's consider this
a generic passenger car's transmission failing to shift problem.
A technician had replaced the transmission with a rebuilt as he was
told to do by the shop foreman. As you might expect, the rebuilt
transmission still did not shift. The shop foreman insisted the
transmission be replaced again. The technician didn't agree and a
discussion between the technician and the shop foreman attracted the
attention of a third technician.
If you were that third technician, what would you do? No, you
can't walk away. You are intrigued and want to help. So, what would
you do?
I'll post the rest of the story in a couple of days with the
solution. If you would like to send me an email with what you would do I'd like
to hear from you.
Stay tuned for the answer in a few days. You might be surprised.