Western Washington has a new Accellerant Detection Canine! Chief Patrick Nicholson, from Jefferson County has recently arrived back from Maine Specialty Dogs with his K9 partner, Allie; She is a two-year old yellow lab. Chief Nicholson attended the 5 week handler program where he and Allie were united, on a scholarship funded by State Farm Insurance. Allie can detect 30 or more ignitable liquid vapors and is certified by the Maine Criminal Justice Training Academy. Allie is certified to conduct building/structure sniffs, outdoor/wildland, evidence, and suspect/people sniffs.
Chief Nicholson and Allie can readily respond to requests for the Arson Dog in proximity to the Olympic Peninsula, but will respond further out in Western Washington, depending upon availability. If your agency responds to a fire incident and would like the services of an Accelerant Detection Dog to process your scene, please contact them through Jefferson County 911 Communications (Jeffcom) at 360-344-9779. Chief Nicholson can also be contacted at pnicholson@brinnonfire.org or 360-301-3439. After working the scene, they will provide the agency with a supplemental investigation report.
The team is also involved in the community and schools to educate our children about Arson and Fire Safety. If you'd like Allie, the Arson Dog to visit your agency, community event, or school, they would be happy visit.