A 25-year-old man was arrested for breaking into the Fairview (PA) Fire & Rescue fire station and stealing fire department equipment and firefighters’ personal items while the were on a medical call, according to a report published by Erie Times-News.
The report said Gage T. Adams of West Springfield allegedly entered the station through a malfunctioning door while emergency personnel were on an ambulance call, the newspaper reported, noting that the suspect tried several doors before making entry. Fire officials told the newspaper that the department had no idea the door was broken before the break-in.
Department officials spread word of the burglary on Facebook, posting images of the suspect captured by security cameras installed at the station, the report said. State police said that effort worked as Adams was allegedly identified by a photo posted on the social media site. Police told the newspaper that a relative of the suspect also identified him as the person captured by the security cameras.
The cameras allegedly caught the suspect searching through cabinets and removing items from fire trucks, the newspaper reported, adding that the items taking included a flashlight and an ice pack belonging to the fire department, as well as items belonging to individual members, including a junior member’s earbuds.
After his arrest, Adams was placed in the Erie County Prison, held on a $75,000 bond and is scheduled for a preliminary hearing on Nov. 23.