KAPA‘A – On Thursday, the Kaua‘i (HI) Fire Department held a blessing at Kapa‘a fire station for a new brush fire truck.
The blessing was attended by representatives from the Kaua‘i Fire Department, Kaua‘i Fire Commission, Hawai‘i Fire Fighters Association, Friends of Kaua‘i Fire Service, the Kaua‘i County Council, the Office of the Mayor, and others.
“Mahalo to the Kaua‘i Fire Department and the KFD Apparatus Committee for their work on the design of this truck and bringing this essential tool for the safety and protection of Kaua‘i and her people,” said Mayor Derek S. K Kawakami.
The new Truck 2, marked at $102,893 allocated from the General Fund, replaces the Kapa‘a fire station’s last truck after it reached its life service of 14 years. The KFD Apparatus Committee, led by firefighter Nohili Vierra, began work in 2019 to bring this truck to the island.
“This truck is designed for responses here on Kaua’i and is equipped with special features, including surf racks, a fire pump, a water tank, and hose reel,” said KFD Chief Steven Goble in a press release. “We are blessed to have Truck 2 for our island, which serves as a crucial safety response platform for land and water missions.