Benzonia Township (MI) voters will decide November 2 on the township’s plan to borrow $3.5 million to build an expanded Fire Station 5 and township office at 2717 Benzie Highway, reports
The millage to pay the bond would be 0.8605 mills the first year, and not to be levied for more than 20 years; the average levy of the millage over the bond would be 0.7298, according to the report. The cost on a property with $100,000 taxable value would be $72.96 per year.
Officials say there is a public informational meeting planned for 6 p.m. on October 21 at the township office and on Zoom. The report notes that a similar plan was proposed about 10-15 years ago, but it failed by a thin margin.
The current facility is short on room for personnel and apparatus. The new digs would have five bays, overnight quarters for firefighters and EMS, office space, a training room, kitchen facilities, and room for expansion, the report says.
The potential property is located on 12 acres over two parcels in south Benzonia, across from the Consumers Energy building. The township purchased both parcels for $250,000, according to the report.