The City of Rocky Mount (NC) posted August 17 a request for quotes for the design and construction of what will be its Station 2. The deadline for responses is 2 p.m. on September 16.
The future facility, which will replace the current station at South Grace Street and West Raleigh Boulevard, will be two stories high and cost an estimated $4.1 million. It will be built on the current station’s property and be roughly 10,000 to 12,000 square feet in size.
The future Station 2 will have three engine bays, two of which will be drive-through, double-stacked bays. The third bay will be a non-drive-through half-bay.
In addition, it will include: eight bedrooms each with a built-in desk; a storage room; common area restroom, with a separate shower for decontamination; community bathrooms with showers, including one dedicated to female employees; kitchen/dayroom; gym/workshop; a panic room for the public at the front entrance; and an emergency generator.
“Upon completion of the selection process, the highest ranked firm will be asked to submit a fee proposal to begin contract negotiations for a fair and reasonable price,” the paperwork says. “By submitting its Statement of Qualifications in response to this RFQu, respondent accepts the evaluation process as outlined in the following section, acknowledges, and accepts that determination of the ‘most qualified’ firm may require subjective judgments by the City. The city will then present the findings of the committee and propose the selection to City Council at the regularly scheduled meeting on October 11, 2021. The selected Team/Firm should be prepared to have representatives present for this meeting.”
The plan also calls for a Jan. 31, 2022 design completion, and a project completion of Dec. 31, 2022.
View the entire request for quote here.