By Bill Adams
The 2021 Fire Department Instructors’ Conference (FDIC) last month offered an excellent opportunity to interact with firefighters, fire apparatus, and component part manufacturers as well as their dealers. I surreptitiously asked many what their opinions were of the proposed changes—or if they had any—in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) warning light requirements. Except for a few, most responses were: “It is was it is.” “There isn’t too much we can do about it.” “The NFPA will do what they want.” “It’ll be whatever the manufacturers want.” I was amazed at their comments and for them not having the same degree of warning light enthusiasm that I have. To avoid biased responses, warning light manufacturers were not sought out. [Disclaimer: I do not sell nor work for any manufacturer, and I am no longer an active firefighter.]
My Personal Opinions
Warning lights should tell or influence motorists what to do. Fast-moving lights should indicate I’m coming, get out of the way; slow-moving lights should suggest I’m stopped—don’t run into me; slow-moving and mostly amber lights should be used when stopped. I don’t care how many or what kind of warning lights are used—I do care if they cause motorists discomfort and distraction rather than give a warning.
NFPA Standards 1901 and 1900
Last revised in 2016, NFPA 1901 Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus is being consolidated with three other standards into one large, comprehensive standard (NFPA 1900) covering structural fire apparatus, ambulances, airport crash trucks, and wildland apparatus. The proposed NFPA 1900 Standard’s second draft is open for public comment. Here’s a link to the NFPA’s website.
There is a formal process where anyone can make suggestions and comments (input) on all NFPA standards. The process nullifies the “can’t do nothing about it” statements made above. I have suggested making changes to NFPA 1901 many times in the past; some were rejected, and some were not. So, it can be done.
The submitted public comments and suggested changes to the new NFPA 1900 standard are accessible at that website. Included are the names and affiliations of those making changes and their justification for making them. And, most importantly, the NFPA committee’s written response to those changes are also there. Nothing is hidden from public view.
The document’s 1,658 pages of proposed changes includes the NFPA committee’s responses as to whether the committee will reject or accept them partially or in total. Supposedly, more than 1,800 public comments were made that the NFPA committee had to address. Public comment on the input and draft document closes on November 12. “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Proposed Changes
The 1,658 pages were browsed through only for changes applicable to warning lights. I interpreted most changes are to make the new document easy to read and more understandable than the previous standards. Some actual committee statements include:
- “Added language clarifies what is in an optical warning system.”
- “Clarify that lights from multiple manufacturers can be used, so long as the system is compliant.”
- “This is to clarify that a fire apparatus must have one switch to activate all warning lights, but there are other ways that fire departments might activate certain warning lights, for example: activate lights with transmission