Wildfires burn near Cameron Peak in Colorado
By Billy Freeman, Senior Public Safety Advisor, First Responder Network Authority
Wildland fires continue to burn at all-time highs. From January to July 2021, more than 2.6 million acres were burned nationwide, including the massive, yet-to-be-contained Bootleg Fire in Oregon. In 2020, nearly 59,000 wildfires burned more than 10 million acres. This was the second-most acreage impacted in a year since 1960, according to the National Interagency Coordination Center for wildland fires.
Since the launch of FirstNet in 2018, the network has become an important tool in the toolbox for wildland firefighters. We have seen tremendous interest and use of the FirstNet fleet of portable network assets for public safety agencies’ emergency response needs, with more than 750 requests from public safety in 2020.
At the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority), our goal is to support public safety in operationalizing their network, FirstNet, and ensure it continues to evolve to meet public safety’s communications needs. As part of our engagement efforts, we spoke to several wildland firefighters and agencies about lessons learned of using public safety broadband for combating wildfires. Here are their takeaways and key things to keep in mind when it comes to using FirstNet to support the frontlines:
1. Know how to request FirstNet’s deployable assets for a Wildland Fire Incident
When disaster strikes, the FirstNet fleet of dedicated public safety deployables assets provides users with the ability to add FirstNet coverage and capacity where they need it most. FirstNet deployables can boost coverage areas to support wildfire incident command and response or increase capacity at base camps.
The fleet is made up of more than 100 deployable assets, like SatCOLTS, Compact Rapid Deployables, and Communications Vehicles, which are available to FirstNet subscribers 24/7 by request and at no extra charge. These mobile cell sites link to FirstNet via satellite, provide access to FirstNet’s Band 14 public safety spectrum, do not rely on commercial power availability, and provide similar capabilities and c