Cameron Probert
Tri-City Herald (Kennewick, Wash.)
Aug. 22—KENNEWICK, Wa. — The stretch of the Columbia River along Benton County’s southern border used to be a lonely place to get in trouble.
Rescue crews had drive from the Tri-Cities, taking an hour to get into the water.
For the last month though, firefighters and sheriff’s deputies quickly rescued several people from a sinking boat, helped a stranded boater and responded to an emergency beacon.
The faster response was thanks to a used boat that Benton County Fire District 6 was able to buy from the Benton County Sheriff’s Office for $2,500.
Completed Fire/Rescue Boat 1631. All photos via
Completed Fire/Rescue Boat 1631
The surplus Sheriff’s boat before purchase
Normally, similar boats cost about $250,000. And that’s far beyond the budget of the largely volunteer fire district with an annual budget of $900,000.
“We couldn’t afford it otherwise,” said Fire Chief Rolland Watt. “We’re in the process of trying to replace some of the aging vehicles. The land-based responses would have to come first.”
He credited Interim Benton County Sheriff Jon Law with brokering the deal with the county co