

The Finest Supporting the Bravest!

The purpose of the Fire Mechanics Section is to promote standardization of fire apparatus and equipment preventative maintenance, improve safety standards and practices, promote workshops, conferences, and seminars related to the purposes of this Section, and to promote cost savings through standardization of building and equipment purchasing and maintenance.


Posted: Aug 16, 2021

Medical Equipment Stolen from Spokane (WA) Fire Truck

Spokane (WA) firefighters think the person who stole a yellow box full of pediatric emergency medical equipment from an engine while it was an emergency were looking for drugs, according to a report published by The Spokesman-Review.

According to the newspaper, a Spokane fire engine was on the scene of a cardiac arrest when the yellow box was taken from an open compartment on the truck. It was the only thing in the open compartment and the box was filled with items needed to treat a child patient including specialized air masks, the paper reported.

The thief was undoubtedly disappointed because there wasn’t much of value in the box and no drugs because the department doesn’t carry them unsecured in a truck compartment, the newspaper reported.

It is not typical for the department to have things stolen from trucks and officials are hoping surveillance cameras in the area will reveal who may have committed the crime, the newspaper reported.

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Posted: Aug 16, 2021

Englewood (FL) Firefighters Get New Engines with Medical Equipment on Board

Englewood (FL) firefighters welcomed one of three new Sutphen engines it order into the fire station with a traditional push-in ceremony, according to a report published by the Venice Gondolier.

According to the newspaper, the chief of the department believe the community needed a new aerial when he became chief two years ago, but the Englewood Area Fire Control District convinced him the purchase of three new pumpers was a better choice for the growing community, the newspaper reported.

The three trucks cost about $1.3 million in a lease purchase agreement, about the cost of a new aerial, the paper reported. The city is planning to outfit each of the new engines with about $30,000 in advanced life support medical equipment, according to the newspaper to better serve the public.

The fire trucks are often closer to the scenes of medical emergencies than an ambulance and can get paramedics and equipment to care for patients quicker than an ambulance, the paper said.

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Posted: Aug 16, 2021

Phoenix (AZ) Fire Truck Hit at Water Rescue Scene

No injuries were reported after a Phoenix (AZ) fire truck was hit by another vehicle while it was at the scene of a water rescue on Saturday morning, according to a report published by ABC 15.

According to the television station the crash happened on Loop 303 just west of Interstate 17 at about 1 am. There were no additional details.

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Posted: Aug 16, 2021

FDIC Shows Support of FAMA Through Generous Contribution

At the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) International 2021, held August 2-7 in Indianapolis, Indiana, Eric Schlett, Sr. Vice President, Clarion Events, Inc. Fire & Rescue Group, presented the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA) with a check for $11,500 on behalf of Clarion and FDIC. FDIC has been donating to FAMA since 2005 as a commitment of support to help foster FAMA’s governmental affairs and public relations efforts.

“In my 21 years at the helm of FDIC, I have never been more proud of my team. We were able to get back to leading live training to firefighters and highlighting product advancement and innovation on the show floor. We are fortunate to have FAMA companies as great partners to deliver a great experience to our firefighting community,” says Schlett.

FAMA Board President Jeromie Johnston adds, “Even in a period of unprecedented challenges in our industry, the team at Clarion, industry partners, and firefighters from around the world convened to make FDIC a success. The FAMA Board, GAC Committee, and member companies appreciate Clarion’s continued commitment and support toward our GAC activities and outreach to the broader industry.”

About the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association

The Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association (FAMA) is a nonprofit trade association organized in 1946. FAMA is committed to the manufacture and sale of safe, efficient emergency response vehicles and equipment. FAMA urges fire departments to evaluate the full range of safety features offered by its member companies. For more information, go to

About FDIC International
FDIC International offers thousands of fire and rescue professionals from around the world quality world-class instructors, classrooms, workshops, H.O.T. evolutions, and the most innovative products and services available to the industry displayed by more than 800 exhibiting companies. The FDIC Experience is more than your traditional trade show; it’s about the learning and sharing with your peers formally and informally through hallway conversations, developing life-long friendships, and recharging your passing for the industry. Simply, there is no other event like FDIC International and to experience it, you simply have to attend. For more information, go to

About Clarion Events Fire & Rescue Group
The Clarion Events Fire & Rescue Group provides critical cutting-edge firefighting and emergency medical service news, education, equipment, and hands-on training. Through our industry-leading publications, digital media, and events, Clarion’s Fire & Rescue Group covers the latest developments and standards in apparatus and equipment; clinical breakthroughs; and training for firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, and those professionals serving in the fire and EMS fields. We at Clarion Fire & Rescue hold ourselves to the strictest of standards, ensuring that our service to the first responders equals the industry’s tireless service to us all while maintaining our long-standing mission to “Train and Inform the Fire & EMS Industry.”

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Fire Mechanics Section Board


Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Elliot Courage
North Whatcom Fire & Rescue
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Vice Chair

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Vice Chair

Mike Smith 
Pierce County Fire District #5
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Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Greg Bach
South Snohomish County Fire & Rescue
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Director #1

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #1

Doug Jones
South Kitsap Fire & Rescue
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Director #2

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #2

Paul Spencer 
Fire Fleet Maintenance LLC
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Director #3

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #3

Jim Morris
Mountain View Fire Department
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Director #4

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #4

Arnie Kuchta

Clark County Fire District 6

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Director #6

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #6

Brett Annear
Kitsap County Fire District 18
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Director #5

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #5

Jay Jacks
Camano Island Fire & Rescue
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Legislative Representative

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Legislative Representative

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Immediate Past Chair

Posted: Oct 20, 2015

Immediate Past Chair

Brian Fortner
Graham Fire & Rescue

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