The Fire Department Safety Officers Association will introduce a hands-on Fire Pump and Accessories with Proper Pump Testing class on Sunday, January 14th, 2018, as part of the 30th Annual Apparatus Symposium. The eight-hour, pre-conference class will be presented by Brian Brown, Fleet Services Bureau, South Metro (CO) Fire Rescue, and Chris Dennis, Chief Mechanical officer, Vaughan Fire & Rescue Service in Ontario.
The Pump Testing class is designed for emergency vehicle technicians, especially, engineers/driver operators and those looking to promote, fleet supervisors, and anyone who wants to know more about fire pump theory, operations, and testing.
Brown said, “The class will cover fire pump and accessories theory and operation along with a dynamic hands-on experience to understand the current 1901 and 1911 testing standards. This is a great opportunity to learn about different brands and types of fire pumps, how to properly perform multiple tests along with hands-on training!”
RELATED: Firefighter Training: Pump Operations and More | Apparatus Preplan: An Operator's Key to Success | Pump Operator Simulation: The Basics
The class will be held at the Mesa (AZ) Fire Department Training Grounds. Due to the hands-on nature of this class registration is limited to 25 participants and must bring their own PPE (See www.fdsoa.org/events for details). Breakfast, lunch and transportation to the site will be provided.
“The main message is that a comprehensive maintenance and annual testing program is important to the vitality and longevity of the fire service apparatus,” said Brown. “It is also important to know who is working on and operating your apparatus and understand that they comprehend the importance of safe and well-maintained apparatus and equipment.”
The Pump Testing class will be the first hands-on class offered at an Apparatus Symposium. Rich Marinucci, executive director, FDSOA commented, “Each year since I began as Executive Director of FDSOA, we have had requests for hands-on training. We will offer this course in response to those suggestions.”
The most current NFPA 1911, Standard for the Inspection, Maintenance, Testing, and Retirement of In-Service Fire Apparatus, 2012 Edition, requires once a year every unit with a fire pump must be scheduled for an annual pump test. The NFPA requires annual testing for fire pumps, aerial devices, hose, ground ladders, low voltage systems, line voltage systems, vehicle weight, etc.
In addition, fire pumps on new apparatus should be Acceptance Tested when they are received at the respective department. An extensive onsite test will demonstrate the true performance of the fire pump and related systems. Post-repair pump tests should be performed any time there are major repairs to the fire pump, pump transmission, truck transmission, or power plant. Insurance Services Offices (ISO) assign points for pump testing as part of the Fire Suppression Rating for each department’s Public Protection Classification.
Registration for the Fire Pump pre-conference class and the