By Chris Mc Loone
One of the most important aspects of FDIC International is that the event acts as a springboard for conversation.
As great as it is to see friends, catch up, and share stories of FDICs past, there are many discussions taking place as the week commences regarding current issues that directly impact the future of the fire service. One such issue is cancer.
There hasn’t been an FDIC International in recent memory where firefighter cancer was talked about more. From products like particulate-blocking hoods to presentations like Gavin Horn’s “Reducing Cancer Risks for the Fire Service” to major players in the industry committing support for the Firefighter Cancer Support Network, FDIC International 2017 proved that firefighter cancer awareness is increasing and that the industry is responding by designing new products to help firefighters reduce their risks. Discussion revolving around cancer centered on the products available to help protect firefighters as well as potential tactical changes on the fireground to help reduce firefighter cancer risk.
Besides cancer awareness, one of the bigger stories at the show was REV Group’s acquisition of Ferrara Fire Apparatus. Announced before the exhibits opened, Ferrara joins E-ONE and KME to comprise the REV Fire Group.
What follows here are reports from Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment team members regarding their impressions of this year’s event.
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FDIC 2017: What’s New for Safety
By Robert Tutterow
When fire service manufacturers decide when and where to introduce new products, the decision almost always defaults to FDIC International.
If size matters, then the Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Rescue tow truck equipped for heavy rescue deserves top billing. The JERR-DAN rig’s rotating boom is rated at 50 or 60 tons, depending on the rating system used, and has a reach of 41 feet 7 inches. Tow trucks have been used in many European fire service brigades for years. Will this concept catch on in the United States?
Keep an eye on Little Giant Ladders. This company continues to improve on one of the basic tools of the trade. This year, it displayed a ladder with stability legs at the base of the ladder.
Last year at FDIC International, Dupont introduced its Nano technology for particulate barrier hoods. This year, W.L. Gore and Stedfast introduced new barrier hood technology. The Stedfast material is called “Prevent” and is available from various hood manufacturers. The Gore material is referred to as the “Gore Particulate Hood” and is currently available only through Majestic Fire Apparel.
Photo by Chris Mc Loone. |
As chair of the NFPA 1971, Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting, task group on eye and face protection, I was particularly interested in eye protection products. Bullard’s “ReTrak” series of helmets features an eye shield stowed beneath the helmet shell and flips down with a close fit like safety glasses. Bullard was able to do this without expanding the size of the outer shell. Also, Edge Tactical Eyewear, ESS Eye Pro, and HexArmor Eyew