Robert Tutterow |
In last month’s column, I wrote about the Wingspread VI report that was released early this year. This was the sixth Wingspread Report, a once-in-a-decade report that has been issued since 1966.
Forty fire service personnel representing a diverse section of the U.S. fire service developed the report. The group met in Racine, Wisconsin, at the Johnson Foundation Conference Center last July and came up with 14 “Statements of National Significance to the United States Fire and Emergency Services.” The statements are, in effect, an overview of the threats and opportunities facing the fire and emergency services.
In this column, I will highlight a few of the statements that relate directly to firefighter health, safety, and equipment. Of the 14 statements, at least half of them are directly related. The other half have an indirect influence.
Statement #3
This statement reads, “The United States fire and emergency services must recognize and address the impact occupational-related disease and injury is having on the industry. The health of fire and emergency services personnel is of paramount importance to the community and to fire and emergency services. Every fire and rescue agency must focus on improving overall health, wellness, and fitness levels of its members.”
Certainly, the cancer risks from contamination need attention, especially as they relate to personal protective equipment (PPE). But much more is needed from federal, regional, and local levels. For example, the National Fire Protection Research Foundation is currently developing a program titled, “Campaign for Fire Service Contamination Control.” The project’s overall goal is to develop an educational campaign to control the spread of harmful fireground contaminants. This campaign will go beyond PPE and look at contaminated equipment, apparatus (especially cab interiors), and fire stations. And, this is just the start of addressing contamination from angles other than PPE.
Other key issues within statement 3 are member suicide, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and addictions. These are issues that do not traditionally get a lot of print or discussion. However, despite a lack of quantitative data, there is plenty of indisputable evidence that the problem is growing. As the statement background and action plan illustrate, every fire and emergency organization must have programs to prevent these conditions. In addition, every organization should have a qualified medical professional monitor every member’s behavioral and physical health.
Statement #4
This statement reads, “The United States fire and emergency services must embrace and participate in the ongoing development of sensors and other technologies to protect the health and safety of their members.”
Sensor technology is emerging faster than design and performance standards can keep up. Regardless, adapting sensor technology has tremendous benefits not only for members’ health and safety but for the overall service effectiveness of fire and emergency service organizations. As the statement describes, sensors are available to improve situational awareness as well as physiological monitoring. It is important that fire and emergency services embrace and help develop this technology so it transforms into robust and user-friendly applications for emergency services. As with all electronic technology, the price will come down, making it easier for the fire service to acquire. A parallel opportunity to sensor