

The Finest Supporting the Bravest!

The purpose of the Fire Mechanics Section is to promote standardization of fire apparatus and equipment preventative maintenance, improve safety standards and practices, promote workshops, conferences, and seminars related to the purposes of this Section, and to promote cost savings through standardization of building and equipment purchasing and maintenance.


Posted: May 4, 2017

Fire Apparatus and Truck Involved in Camarillo (CA) Crash

A Ventura County Fire Department ladder truck on its way to an emergency in Camarillo was involved in a crash with a pickup Wednesday afternoon. The collision was reported at about 4:30 p.m. near Arneill and Las Posas roads.
The driver of the pickup was significantly injured in the crash and taken to a hospital, according to Battalion Chief Bill Breuklander. No one in the firetruck was injured, he said.

The firetruck came to a stop facing north on Arneill in the opposing lane of traffic. The badly smashed pickup ended up in the grassy area of an adjacent park. The crash closed two lanes in both directions on Arneill Road. Glass, concrete and brick littered the street.

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Posted: May 4, 2017

Linneus (CA) Getting Donated Fire Apparatus

It's a big yellow truck, that's going to make big difference for the Linneus fire department. "This fire truck is going to reach out in a lifesaving way to more than just our 1000 people." Mark Ganzel is the Linneus fire chief.
A few months ago he got word a fire department from Middletown Connecticut was looking to donate this tanker. Ganzel went through the interview process to be considered for the donation.

“This almost seems too good to be true, so what’s the catch here, does this vehicle have a lot of rot, lot of rust, is there damage? He assured me, he said no, it is a wonderful full functioning fire truck, they just recently took it out of service because they’re looking to buy a new truck.”

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Posted: May 4, 2017

Wildland and Urban Interface Apparatus Makers Show Rigs


By Alan M. Petrillo

Fire departments and agencies that protect wildland urban interface (WUI) areas, which can be found in many states around the country, faced more than 70,000 wildland fires in 2016 that burned more than 3 million acres. The United States Forest Service estimates that 44 million homes and about one third of the residences in the United States are potential targets of wildland fires because they sit in the wildland urban interface.

Facing those kinds of statistics, department chiefs, officers, wildland fire managers, and firefighters took the opportunity at the recent annual Wildland Urban Interface conference sponsored by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) at the Peppermill Resort in Reno, Nevada, to talk with wildland apparatus manufacturers and climb over wildland and WUI rigs that might someday be in their fleet.

HME Inc. displayed a Type 3 side-mount wildland pumper that it built for the Nevada Division of Forestry on an International chassis with a 500-gpm pump, a 500-gallon water tank, a 30-gallon foam tank, and a Hale EZ-Fill foam system. The rig is powered by a Cummins 330-hp ISL 9 diesel engine, and an Allison 3000 EVS automatic transmission.

The Nevada Division of Forestry Type 3 has a pair of two-inch gated foam jumpline discharges on the front bumper, two gated two-inch foam crosslays at the pump panel, a 2½-inch pump panel discharge, a 2½-inch gated foam discharge on the officer's side, and a 2½-inch inch gated discharge and 2½-inch inch foam discharge at the rear of the rig.

The rear of the Type 3 also has a 2½-inch inch direct tank fill connection, a 2½-inch, and a 4-inch intake at the pump panel, while the right side has a 2½-inch intake. The vehicle also carries a three-section 20-foot extension ladder.

HME also displayed a Type 6 pumper built on a Ford F-550 4x4 Super Duty chassis with a 1,500-gpm single-stage midship pump, a 500-gallon water tank, and a 25-gallon foam tank. The rig carries a Kubota AYX 24.8-hp 150-gpm pump for pump and roll, as well as 40 cubic feet of hosebed space and 139-cubic inches of compartment storage. The HME Type 6 has a 6-inch suction, 6-inch discharge, and 2½-inch foam discharge on the officer's side.

Boise Mobile Equipment (BME) exhibited a Type 3 Heavy, which carries a designation as both a Type 3 and Type 4 wildland engine, that it built for the Platte Canyon (CO) Fire Department. The rig is on an M2-106 Freightliner® 4x4 chassis with a Darley® JMP 500-gpm two-stage pump, an 800-gallon water tank, a 30-gallon foam tank, and a FoamPro® 1601 foam system.

Glenn Baley of BME, says the Type 3 Heavy serves as a multipurpose emergency vehicle, being used for both wildland firefighting and for initial attack on structure protection. The vehicle is powered by a 350-hp Cummins ISL diesel engine, an Allison 3000 EVS automatic transmission, has full pump-and-roll capabilities, an all steel body construction with aluminum compartment doors, Whelen emergency and scene lighting, a Baja Design 20-inch combo LED light bar, and a Code 3 backup camera.

Baley says that BME recently delivered a Typ

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Posted: May 4, 2017

Fire Truck Photo of the Day-Ferrara Pumper

Brazoria County ESD #2, Damon (TX) Volunteer Fire Department, pumper. Cinder cab and chassis; Cummins ISL9 450-hp engine; Hale Qmax 2,000-gpm pump.

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Fire Mechanics Section Board


Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Elliot Courage
North Whatcom Fire & Rescue
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Vice Chair

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Vice Chair

Mike Smith 
Pierce County Fire District #5
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Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Greg Bach
South Snohomish County Fire & Rescue
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Director #1

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #1

Doug Jones
South Kitsap Fire & Rescue
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Director #2

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #2

Paul Spencer 
Fire Fleet Maintenance LLC
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Director #3

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #3

Jim Morris
Mountain View Fire Department
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Director #4

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #4

Arnie Kuchta

Clark County Fire District 6

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Director #6

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #6

Brett Annear
Kitsap County Fire District 18
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Director #5

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #5

Jay Jacks
Camano Island Fire & Rescue
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Legislative Representative

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Legislative Representative

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Immediate Past Chair

Posted: Oct 20, 2015

Immediate Past Chair

Brian Fortner
Graham Fire & Rescue

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