By Bill Adams
Buyers and sellers should be aware of a subtle transformation occurring in the competitive bidding arena for fire apparatus.
Selling and purchasing fire trucks may never be the same. Apparatus manufacturers, their dealers, and end users are embracing the concept of purchasing apparatus through one of the many national sales cooperative contracts (co-ops). In this article, co-ops include national, state, and regional contracts.
Random samplings of apparatus manufacturers’ Web sites found more than a dozen co-ops listed. In no order of preference or recommendation, they are Defense Logistics Agency (DLA); United States General Services Administration (GSA); Houston-Galveston Purchasing (HGACBuy); BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard); Fire Chiefs Association of Massachusetts (FCAM-MAPC); Florida Sheriffs Association (Florida Sheriffs); Louisiana Multiple Award Schedules (LaMAS); New Jersey State Contract; Ohio State Term Schedule (OSTS); Pennsylvania State Contract (COSTARS); and FireRescueGPO and NPP.GOV Contract. Other states that also have or are soon to implement a form of cooperative purchasing co-op are too numerous to list. There appears to be no rhyme or reason for why some apparatus manufacturers list co-ops on their Web sites and others do not. Soon they all will.
Each co-op has its own online explanation of what it does, how it does it, and the benefits of using it. Read them very carefully; they’re not all the same. Pundits and commentators have their own descriptions. Mine is simplified: Co-ops solicit the bids and everyone can buy at the same price.
Regardless of a co-op or vendor’s claim of meeting all legal bidding protocols, the ultimate consent or authorization rests with each purchaser’s political subdivision whether it be at a state or local level. Be aware that there may be written contractual covenants between the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) and purchasers-including independent volunteer entities-when taxpayer monies are expended. Additionally, there’s the possibility that a city council, a board of fire commissioners, or a fire department’s hierarchy may nix a cooperative purchase and mandate a local and formal public bid opening-regardless of whether or not other local entities have used co-ops. It’s legal to do so. Apparatus purchasing committees should verify at every level whether a co-op purchase is both legal and permissible. Doing so in writing may save grief and aggravation later.
Two Sides
It is unfortunate, but essential, that any discourse concerning apparatus purchasing be explained in detail to reflect the multitude of viewpoints and attitudes in the marketplace. Occasionally political correctness is a victim. I believe there is a preferred vendor for the vast majority of apparatus purchased today regardless of whether or not the preference is subtle or obvious. Manufacturers and dealers (aka vendors) look at selling apparatus from opposing viewpoints-one where they are the preferred vendor and one where they’re not. These perspectives are readily obvious in the cooperative purchasing field. Overwhelmingly, dealers would not speak on the record when discussing cooperative purchasing. Off the record, they spoke plenty. If they are the preferred dealer in a co-op purchase, life could not be any better. If they are not the preferred dealer, they decline comment or say the process is flawed.
Purchasers using co-op purchasing wholeheartedly embrace the concept. Surprisingly, some fire departments are unaware of it. Industry experts, pundits, and commentators normally expound on the positives for everything being discussed because readers seldom want to hear the downside of any topic including cooperative purc