Chris Mc Loone |
It’s not often you get to see a fire truck come to a skidding stop.
Well actually, I guess if you wanted to, you could probably Google it and find any number of videos online. But in this case, these fire apparatus were intentionally skidding to a stop in an effort to emphasize the importance of understanding how long it takes a fire truck to stop and also ensuring your vehicles’ braking systems are properly adjusted.
The evolutions were staged by Chris Daly, Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment Editorial Advisory Board member, and the Chester County (PA) Serious Crash Assistance Team jointly with the West Chester (PA) Fire Department. Prior to going through the evolutions, all the participating fire apparatus were weighed according to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1911, Standard for the Inspection, Maintenance, Testing, and Retirement of In-Service Automotive Fire Apparatus, criteria and all brake systems checked. One fire apparatus had three sets of brakes out of adjustment, so it did not participate in the tests. The fire department immediately took the rig out of service to have the problems repaired.
For the rest of the day, each apparatus that passed the initial screening went through the skid testing. Each test consisted of the apparatus skidding to a stop three times at approximately 35-40 miles per hour. Each rig was fitted with an accelerometer to verify speeds and to help measure braking efficiency. As a bystander, one thing that impressed me was the lack of drama to the stops. I wasn’t there for every truck-and I had to leave before a tower ladder went through the paces-but the trucks that I saw performed well, at least in terms of not fishtailing or screeching. When I think of “skidding out,” I think of loud screeching. There was none of that. Yes, onlookers could hear the tires as they slowed, but I really got an appreciation for how modern fire apparatus are designed and the safety systems in place. The apparatus ages varied from very new to almost 20 years old, and each behaved differently. For example, there was a noticeable difference between apparatus with drum brakes and apparatus with disc brakes.
The day was educational for all involved. Firefighters certainly gained an appreciation for how long it takes an apparatus to stop in dry conditions. And, the crash reconstruction team got a good idea for how different the stopping distance is for a more-than-20-ton rig than a typical passenger vehicle. The attending firefighters also gained knowledge of how important apparatus weight and brake maintenance are. An overweight truck and improperly adjusted brakes will increase stopping distance, which can lead to apparatus accidents.
A tremendous amount of data will result from these tests-data that Daly says will help validate the formulas crash reconstruction teams use when investigating crash scenes. It will also help them to more accurately reconstruct apparatus crashes. The participating fire companies deserve to be commended for their participation.
The Serious Crash Assistance Team members on site also tested police vehicle stopping distances. The cars were Ford Crown Victorias and, as I witnessed, the stopping distance was much shorter. I know it’s easy to conceptualize the idea that it takes something heavier longer to stop, but it is a whole other thing watching it in person.
No one wants to be involved in an apparatus crash. In recent months, we’ve seen our fair sha