In this series, Fire Engineering Senior Editor Mary Jane Dittmar looks at the things that motivated and inspired instructors to present on their topics at FDIC International 2016. Segments will be posted on a regular basis up to and through the conference, April 18-23.

Frank Montagna
Battalion Chief (Ret.)
Fire Department of New York
Overhead and Underground Electric Emergencies and Fires: What You Need to Know
Wednesday, April 20, 10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Utility emergencies and fires interested me as a firefighter when I realized how much I did not know about the utility incidents to which I responded. I researched them and became friendly with a number of utility workers, who patiently answered my numerous questions. I learned that there was quite a lot of “need-to-know information” for firefighters that they were not being taught. Electricity is a topic we know the least about.
To remedy this, I worked with my local utility, Consolidated Edison, wrote articles, made training videos, and lectured on safety at utility incidents. My goal was not to make utility experts out of firefighters. We are not and will not be the utility experts. The utility workers do that job very well.
I hope to impart the “need-to-know” information that firefighters must have to operate safely at these incidents. If I can help a firefighter to correctly size up an incident, pick out the potential hazards, and realize what he can and should do and what he must not do, my time is being well spent.
The e-mails received and the conversations I have had after my utility response presentations with new or soon-to-be-promoted fire officers have encouraged me in my focus on utility emergencies and fires. Like me, they have had unanswered questions about these incidents. They have asked about specific incidents to which they responded and told how my articles, my book, or my presentation helped them do their job more safely. Their positive response has been extremely gratifying and encourages me to remain active as an instructor and a writer.