Flashovers are extremely dangerous and have claimed the lives of too many firefighters over the years.
Many articles and training programs have been produced to help firefighters understand a flashover situation and how to escape safely. In a flashover situation, fire conditions progress rapidly from what was a hot fire to what becomes an inescapable fire.
As an instructor, I have heard firefighters say that a thermal imaging camera (TIC) can help you during a flashover. This is not true. A TIC is a tool to help detect a flashover, but it can’t help you if you’re caught in a flashover. Think about the amount of time, or lack of time, you have in a flashover-two, maybe three, seconds to get out of the situation. You have to move quickly. In this scenario, you don’t have time to look at your TIC.
A preflashover situation is where your TIC can help. Your TIC can give you a visual indication of warning signs that you would otherwise not see. Without your use of a TIC, the thick smoke acts as a visual barrier to what is actually going on above you. Convective velocity, thermal layering, and even rollovers are often hidden inside the smoke and are difficult or impossible to detect. The TIC can help you visualize these events. Your TIC can help you identify how rapidly the fire gases are moving across the ceiling, indicating that they actually have some place to go other than the room you are in. Thermal layering is also visible to the TIC. When one or both of these two visuals change, convective velocity slows or thermal layers descend, it can serve as an early indicator of potential flashover conditions.
1 2 These images taken with a thermal imaging camera show a flashover in progress. (Photos courtesy of Bullard.) |
I’ve mentioned this in my previous articles and probably will continue to do so because it’s key to staying safe when entering a burning building: Always have your TIC with you so you can scan a room prior to entry. This is so important when avoiding a flashover. Scanning with your TIC lets you look for signs of excessive heat buildup, particularly near the ceiling, or levels of high heat closer to the floor where you might not otherwise expect them. Your TIC will also help you locate potential vertical or horizontal vent points in case you need them and where the secondary means of egress are. In a flashover situation, these tactics are lifesaving.
Your TIC is there to help you recognize the dangers that you may encounter and how to avoid those dangers so you and your fellow firefighters can go home safely. Simply put, if you have no other means of control such as ventilation or a hose stream, you must get out quickly. If you wait until the flashover is taking place, it’s too late for the TIC to help you escape this extremely dangerous occurrence. A TIC cannot help you in a flashover but it can help alert you to a pending flashover.
1 2 These images taken with a thermal imaging camera show a flashover in progress. (Photos courtesy of Bullard.) |
It’s also important to note that the temperature-sensing featu