By Robert Tutterow
In last month’s column, I addressed the issue of firefighter personal protective equipment (PPE) for the head, eyes, and face.
My concluding paragraph was: “My recommendation is to forget the faceshields and flip-downs. Purchase ANSI-compliant goggles and keep them stored where they are accessible and protected from damage. Despite the confusing/conflicting shortcomings of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1971, Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting, you will be compliant. Hopefully, the hot mess of NFPA requirements will be sorted out in the near future. NFPA 1971 is currently open for public comment.”
The “inspiration” for these two columns was a discussion at last September’s NFPA Structural and Proximity Fire Fighting Protective Clothing and Equipment Technical Committee meeting as it reviewed public inputs into NFPA 1971. The discussion was about five proposals (public inputs) to keep face and eye protection (faceshields, flip-downs, and goggles) from being attached to the helmet. In short, goggles attached to the helmet pose a cancer risk to firefighters, and faceshields/flip-downs provide only partial protection, add weight, impact the helmet’s center of gravity, and are rarely maintained or replaced when needed.
Current Donning Procedures
Another rejected proposal would allow the hood to be integrated into the helmet. The proposal would not mandate it to be integrated but would allow for that design. The current wording is design-restrictive. Through proper design, the integration of the hood and the helmet would make an improvement in the PPE donning sequence from the shoulder area and above. Here are the typical steps required (the steps may vary somewhat in sequence):
- Don the hood and pull it all the way over the head and down around the neck.
- Don the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) face piece.
- Adjust the SCBA face piece straps (with most manufacturers, this is five straps) and check for a good seal.
- Pull the hood back over the head and carefully make sure it interfaces with the mask.
- Tuck the hood inside the coat, assuming the coat is already donned.
- Don the helmet.
- Adjust the helmet chinstrap.
- Adjust the interface areas (collar and helmet chinstraps).
- Don the SCBA (adjust the shoulder straps and connect the waist belt).
- Connect the regulator to the face piece.
It is basically a donning process that is used and accepted in the United States fire service. However, from an efficiency standpoint and an outside perspective, “it’s nuts.”
Possible Donning Procedures
There are designs that accomplish the same thing with half the steps. Consider the following:
- Don the helmet.
- Secure the chinstrap.
- Close the hood.
- Attach the SCBA face mask to the helmet.
- Connect the regulator to the mask.
The sequence just described above takes a fraction of the time than described in the first sequence. It uses a helmet that has inherent ear protection (no earflaps) and can have an int