

The Finest Supporting the Bravest!

The purpose of the Fire Mechanics Section is to promote standardization of fire apparatus and equipment preventative maintenance, improve safety standards and practices, promote workshops, conferences, and seminars related to the purposes of this Section, and to promote cost savings through standardization of building and equipment purchasing and maintenance.


Posted: Mar 3, 2014

Forcible Entry Tool

By Raul A. Angulo

Two of my most memorable calls are not as spectacular as you would think.

When I was a young firefighter working a shift at Engine 16 in the Greenlake District of Seattle, Washington, my wife came in to make the crew her excellent chicken-big shell pasta dish with broccoli covered in a creamy Alfredo mushroom sauce-one of my favorite dishes to date. Just as we sat down for dinner, the bell hit for a full response and we never got a chance to eat it-maybe that is why it's memorable. The Masonic Temple was just two blocks away from the station, and I knew we would be first in. When we pulled up, flames were blowing out a second-story window in the alley.

The driver hooked up to the hydrant, the officer did a radio size-up, and I pulled the attack line. I knew the building was dark, so I also grabbed a pickhead ax. I was all by myself. Back in 1985, we didn't have any real training in forcible entry. You just forced entry the best way you could and used whatever it took. We had pry bars, but the halligan and the K-tools didn't show up in Seattle until about 1996. The A-tool or officer's tool showed up two years ago.

The front door to the Masonic Temple was an old, arch-shaped, ornate wooden door. It looked like it came from an ancient gothic church. Not knowing any better at the time, I knew I had to "chop" my way through this door and I was going right through the middle. After about five heavy duty whacks, the door flung open. I remember thinking, "Wow! That was cool-just like in the movies." In reality, the lock probably just gave way because I had no idea what I was doing. I needlessly destroyed a beautiful piece of wood. But I advanced the line up the stairs and put out the kitchen fire in the auditorium before anyone else backed me up. I've put out a lot of fires over the years, but damaging that door unnecessarily still bothers me to this day.

Another memorable door breach was when I working on Engine 13 in the Beacon Hill District. We were dispatched to a suicide. As I led my crew up the stairs to the front porch, we could see the patient through the window. The adrenalin kicked in, and since I was leading the charge, I decided to be John Wayne and kick the front door in without missing a step. Whatever locking mechanism they had in place ricocheted me off the door and almost off the front porch! I told my three gargantuans to break the door down and they knocked in the entire door frame. We forced entry but we were too late.

Both of these stories have stayed with me because there are better, more professional techniques to force entry with minimal damage. We just hadn't been taught. Today, it's different. The halligan and the flathead ax, traditionally known as "the irons," are married together and carried on every fire apparatus. Training on forcible entry techniques is taken more seriously in our department and included as a component of our annual performance evaluations. The incident priority acronym-RECEO/VS: Rescue, Exposures, Confinement, Extinguishment, Overhaul/Ventilation, and Salvage-can't even begin until you gain access to the occupancy.


Once you size the W-Tool to the horizontal width of the door,
move it up to the strongest part of the door in close proximity of
the lock. Pump the handle until you have the W-Tool tightly
wedged against the door jambs. (Photos courtesy of the Weddle
Tool Company.)


The W-Tool

One of the coolest tools I've seen at the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) is the W-Tool by the Weddle Tool Company of Bunker Hill, West Virginia. The founder, inventor, and CEO is Dave Weddle, who

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Posted: Mar 3, 2014

What Tire Resistance Means for Fire Apparatus

By Chris Mc Loone

Since 2010, the fire industry has been impacted by changes in emissions control regulations.

Traditionally, anything having to do with meeting emissions control guidelines fell to engine manufacturers to figure out. And, many of the 2010 changes impacted engines, with the most signigficant example being the need to run "regens" when prompted by the vehicles.

For 2014, there is a new round of emissions control changes promulgated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). One aspect of these changes involves tires, and there have been a number of questions revolving around what these changes will mean for the fire service.

2014 Program

According to Wes Chestnut, lead compliance with Spartan Motors, Inc. and co-chair for the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers' Association (FAMA) chassis committee, the program that began in January 2014 is a joint agency effort between the NHTSA and the EPA. He refers to it as the Heavy Duty National Program. "The EPA standpoint is the greenhouse gas (GHG) aspect-the output of the engine and the carbon footprint of the vehicle," he says. "The NHTSA piece of it was for fuel efficiency."

Chestnut explains the program is a two-stage rule. "The 2014 model year was the first round of the GHG reductions," he says. "The 2016 model year brings the first round of fuel efficiency for the vocational vehicles. 2017 is the final phase of the GHG reduction as part of the original Heavy Duty National Program. And, 2018 is the final phase of the fuel efficiency piece."

Applying this to the fire service, Chestnut explains that both agencies have recognized that there is a national heavy-duty fleet, but it's the first time they segmented this fleet into vocational vehicles. "They took into consideration how segmented that vocational vehicle segment really is," he adds.

Rolling resistance has been around in some form since the invention of the wheel.

Rolling resistance has been around in some form since the invention of the
wheel. Mobility, at that time, was limited by the road surface, or
deformation, which created motion resistance. The wagon wheel had
relatively low rolling resistance. It was not very durable and had very little
or no ride comfort. With the introduction of the bias-ply pneumatic tires
came an improvement of durability and comfort, and they had significantly
increased rolling resistance. (Photo courtesy of Michelin.)


Tire Rolling Resistance

One method the EPA uses to calculate GHG levels is calculating tire rolling resistance. "The unit of measurement is not a miles-per-gallon measurement," says Chestnut. "We put the rolling resistance value in the GHG emissions model, say what the fuel consumption is based on the formulas in the rule, and then what the GHG output looks like. Neither the EPA nor the NHTSA has mandated any rolling resistance on the tire manufacturers. But, what it does say is that they have a unified test procedure to determine the rolling resistance. They are obligated under the rule to give the vehicle manufacturers that information so that we can see what the output is."

What is rolling resistance specifically? According to Porter Jones, OEM product engineer with Michelin, it is the force required to maintain the forward movement of a tire. He explains that tire rolling resistance is caused by the natural visco-elastic properties of rubber along with the tires' internal components constantly bending, stretching, and recovering as the

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Posted: Mar 3, 2014

Cancer, Apparatus, and Equipment

By Robert Tutterow

In August 2013, the Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) issued a white paper titled Taking Action Against Cancer in the Fire Service. The white paper was an output of a workshop conducted in April 2013 with more than 30 participants and reviewers representing a cross-section of the fire service and subject matter experts.

The 13-page report lists numerous statistics that illustrate the complexity of cancer in firefighters. These include several reports that firefighters are more prone to develop cancer than the general population, despite the fact that firefighters are in better physical shape than the general public. One of the participants, Dr. Grace LeMasters from the University of Cincinnati, said, "Pinpointing the cause of cancer is extremely difficult because firefighters are not exposed to just one agent. They are exposed to multiple cancer-causing agents. Because of the multiple exposures and the multiple routes of exposure-they inhale carcinogens and carcinogens are absorbed through the skin-it is also highly unlikely for firefighters to get only one type of cancer." The report clearly states that the two routes of greatest concern for carcinogens to enter the body are through the lungs [failure to wear self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) during overhaul] and skin absorption.

Apparatus and Equipment Connection

Now, what about apparatus and equipment as they relate to cancer? The report credits manufacturers for the many products that help minimize firefighter cancer risks. These include turnout gear cleaning equipment, diesel exhaust extraction systems, SCBA, and decontamination equipment and supplies. However, the white paper is quick to point out that manufacturers should refrain from advertisements that show firefighters wearing soiled, contaminated (i.e., carcinogen-laden) personal protective equipment (PPE), including helmets.

Consider the following scenario that occurs on a daily basis in many fire departments in the United States. The department responds to a working fire. Following the working fire, the members board the apparatus, still wearing their contaminated gear, and return to the station. A bit later in the day, they get a nonfire call, such as an EMS call. They board the apparatus and immediately sit on the cross-contaminated apparatus seats. On arrival at the scene, they administer patient care while wearing contaminated clothes. Is it time to think about a cover for the apparatus seat while wearing PPE? Think toilet seat cover.

At first this idea might seem a bit absurd, but further contemplation will reveal some validity to the concept. Although that might not be the solution, it is an example of how the fire service needs to focus on ways to minimize the risks of cancer. Another approach is issuing nonstructural response PPE for the bulk of the emergency responses. This could keep contaminated structural PPE out of the apparatus cabs and isolated in a dedicated compartment. The white paper also calls on manufacturers to support funding to develop curricula for training materials to address firefighter cancer awareness and prevention.

Fire Stations

The white paper calls on architects to understand and address design for cancer concerns in new and renovated fire stations. This includes floor plans with a "workflow" that has a decontamination area adjacent to the apparatus floor, overall station air exchange, dedicated storage areas for PPE, and overall design and features that address the firefighter who has just returned from a fire as contaminated.

The report goes on to identify further research needs and calls on all fire service organizations to work together in "taking action against cancer in the fire service." The report concludes with 11 immediate actions firefighters can take to protect against carcinogens. These are as follows: Read more

Posted: Mar 3, 2014

Next-Generation Preemption System Clears the Way for Harris County, Texas, First Responders

By Randy Lloyd

In Harris County, TX-the third most populated county in the United States-first responders have adopted a next-generation preemption system that has significantly improved their response times and safety and reduced their risk of collisions when responding to 911 emergencies.

Regardless of speed, emergency vehicle drivers, including emergency command vehicles that must respond quickly, have influence over the circumstances that so often endanger motorists who don't hear or see them coming into an intersection. Overly congested intersections, red lights in direction of travel, and oblivious drivers are just a few of the underlying problems that Harris County first responders have seen solved since incorporating their preemption system.

The company that developed the preemption solution is EViEWS Safety Systems, Inc. (EViEWS), a provider of traffic technology for the rapidly evolving world of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The operating specifications for this preemption program for Harris County were designed by a team comprising a coalition of first responder leaders of Harris County communities and traffic engineers from Houston TranStar, a coalition of federal, state, and local authorities with responsibility for advancing intelligent traffic systems.

As first responders know, 60 seconds can make a difference between a successful emergency rescue and a deadly flashover. Having an engine company housed geographically within the standard eight-minute response zone, only to have to negotiate 15 minutes worth of traffic challenges, makes this goal rather ineffective. The first responder leaders of Harris County set out to counter these challenges with a goal of creating traffic corridors for seamless and faster safe passage for their emergency crews.

On one roadway, centerline medians were installed that exacerbated the problem, especially during peak times. EViEWS understands traffic and emergency vehicle flow and adjusts automatically to improve response times and lowers risk to all.

Chief Fred Windisch, of the Ponderosa (TX) Fire Department, states, "Our major east/west corridor is FM 1960 West/Cypress Creek Parkway. Our entrance onto FM 1960 is at Rolling Creek Drive, and after two years, the traffic count at that intersection was determined to be 65,000 vehicles per day. Remember, that is a 24-hour time period, and common sense tells us peak times are not 2 a.m. We need immediate access to enter the corridor and then to traverse east or west. EViEWS makes that happen by predicting our direction of travel and adjusting green times to allow the corridor to move more effectively. It is amazing to see positive results under real-time conditions on a consistent basis."

Harris County System Overview

There are more than 22 fire districts, 54 fire departments, and a dozen EMS agencies in Harris County's 1,800 square miles. Within these 1,800 square miles are more than 900 intersections. Currently, the EViEWS system is installed in more than 200 intersections, and the remaining intersections will be completed as the other fire districts obtain the necessary funding. In addition, there are also more than 75 emergency vehicles (EVs) currently equipped with the EViEWS system's advanced transponders, with that number increasing as more vehicles and fire districts come online.

Once completed the EViEWS Safety system offers an 1,800-square-mile communications network with all 900 intersections and hundreds of networked emergency vehicles providing real-time preemption, real-time network monitoring, and extensive communication data management.

The EViEWS system is a fully integrated, scalable, and highly effective technology platform. The EViEWS systems are designed to combine a modular suite of solutions to enable a number of essential functions for government including EV preemption/prioritization, tran

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Fire Mechanics Section Board


Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Elliot Courage
North Whatcom Fire & Rescue
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Vice Chair

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Vice Chair

Mike Smith 
Pierce County Fire District #5
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Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Greg Bach
South Snohomish County Fire & Rescue
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Director #1

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #1

Doug Jones
South Kitsap Fire & Rescue
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Director #2

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #2

Paul Spencer 
Fire Fleet Maintenance LLC
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Director #3

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #3

Jim Morris
Mountain View Fire Department
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Director #4

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #4

Arnie Kuchta

Clark County Fire District 6

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Director #6

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #6

Brett Annear
Kitsap County Fire District 18
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Director #5

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #5

Jay Jacks
Camano Island Fire & Rescue
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Legislative Representative

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Legislative Representative

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Immediate Past Chair

Posted: Oct 20, 2015

Immediate Past Chair

Brian Fortner
Graham Fire & Rescue

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