

The Finest Supporting the Bravest!

The purpose of the Fire Mechanics Section is to promote standardization of fire apparatus and equipment preventative maintenance, improve safety standards and practices, promote workshops, conferences, and seminars related to the purposes of this Section, and to promote cost savings through standardization of building and equipment purchasing and maintenance.


Posted: Mar 3, 2014

Smaller, More Agile Pumpers Make a Comeback

By Alan M. Petrillo

With the economy continuing to pinch municipal budgets, some fire departments are looking to purchase smaller, more agile pumpers to use as first-response units. It appears that mini pumpers and quick-attack pumpers aren't dead but only have been hibernating.

Yet, smaller pumpers aren't necessarily the best option for every department, as many fire districts are choosing to buy midsize custom pumpers with shorter wheelbases. Geography, district size, types of structures protected, and accessibility to structures all play a role in a department's choice of what to buy for a first-due pumper.

Industry Indicators

"There's a trend toward consolidation and smaller apparatus," says Chad Trinkner, Pierce Manufacturing's director of product management for aerials, pumpers, and fire suppression. "The problem is they're trying to stuff 10 pounds of equipment into a five-pound bag, so how they configure the apparatus is very important. The apparatus market is being challenged by end users to keep the same footprint but expand the mission of the vehicle."

Trinkner notes that Pierce builds a lot of pumpers on 170- and 180-inch wheelbases, but some of its custom pumpers will have a wheelbase as low as 160 to 165 inches. "We're getting more requests for shorter wheelbase and shorter overall length pumpers, which is a reflection on the changing areas being protected," he says. "Departments are encountering more roundabouts and tighter roadways in suburbia, and some departments still have traditional stations that can't fit the longer apparatus in them."

Trinkner sees fire pump packaging as one of the biggest drivers of shortening the length and wheelbases on pumpers. "Hale started it with its QMax-XS where it downsized and packaged its most popular pump into a 34-inch pump house," he says. "Smaller pump houses will help make vehicles shorter, which helps with the overall cost of ownership as well as making a much more maneuverable vehicle."

KME is building 175-inch wheelbase custom pumpers for the Boston (MA) Fire Department where rigs carry 2,000-gpm pumps and 500 gallons of water and have low hosebeds on four-door cabs and chassis.

KME is building 175-inch wheelbase custom pumpers for the
Boston (MA) Fire Department where rigs carry 2,000-gpm pumps
and 500 gallons of water and have low hosebeds on four-door
cabs and chassis. (Photo courtesy of KME.)


Joel Konecky, regional sales director for Smeal Fire Apparatus, says many of his company's customers are seeking shorter wheelbases and overall lengths of less than 30 feet but still keeping all the capabilities of a typical Class A pumper. "They want a minimum of 500 gallons of water, a typical hose load of 1,000 feet of five-inch large-diameter hose and 600 feet of 2½-inch hose, the ability to handle EMS, and a minimum of a 1,250-gpm pump and a maximum of 2,250-gpm," Konecky says.

Fire departments in parts of the country that have urban interface areas or those with urban settings and multistory housing are looking for more maneuverable and lighter weight pumpers, Konecky maintains. "They want a vehicle that can get into areas that require tight turns," he says. "We build those kinds of pumpers on both custom and commercial chassis but can get a much tighter package on a custom chassis because of the cab-over style of design as well as a better weight distribution for a tighter turning radius."

Geographic Features

Todd Nix, apparatus consultant for Unruh Fire, says his company has gotten a great deal of feedback

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Posted: Mar 3, 2014

Form vs. Function

By Richard Marinucci

The most basic fire engine function is delivering water. As the fire service has expanded its role and discovered better ways to deliver service, the fire engine, or pumper as it is called in some parts, does more than take water from a source and deliver it to the fire.

Engines carry special rescue equipment, ground ladders, and forcible entry tools that provide some rudimentary truck company functions and other items that support overall fire department operations such as generators and lights.

Since the fire engine basics are essentially the same, it begs the question-why are there so many different looks to these pieces? Obviously manufacturers have their own "architectures" and designs that help identify their products. Chassis manufacturers, whether commercial or custom, also contribute to styling differences-either because of the basics of the chassis or the chassis' impact on fire truck manufacturers' ability to design the final apparatus.


Obviously the most important things for a fire engine are to be able to provide the core services along with any other ancillary requirements. Overwhelmingly they do, and fire departments get the service they desire and the engine remains a workhorse. Yet many departments also consider the look of their apparatus as important. The appearance of the fire engine has some intangible benefits to a fire department. If this were not the case, manufacturers could stamp out clones and push out more vehicles.

The look of fire apparatus is as much about personal taste as anything else. Everyone has an opinion of what the truck should look like and their own preferences. This is not unusual. Automobiles are different looking, and buyers often consider styling as much as or more than functionality. The selection of fire trucks is not much different, although there isn't as much variety or as many options. There are only so many ways you can design an engine.

Paint Scheme

One of the most interesting discussions regarding fire trucks is about color and color scheme. Since the beginning of the fire service in this country, red has always been identified as the color of a fire truck. Almost all children's books confirm this! But approximately 30 to 40 years ago, lime green was introduced in the interest of safety. The color was promoted as easier to see and helpful in preventing crashes. This pitted traditionalists against those who considered themselves more progressive. Lately this debate has not been as high-profile as it was, although there are still occasions where the debate continues.

Regardless, it opened up more discussion regarding the color of fire apparatus. Today you can see many different colors of fire trucks, some very nontraditional. They can be black, blue, orange, green, yellow, or some other variation. Some informal conversations I have had with some department personnel revealed that the reasons vary from a departmental tradition, to a desire to be unique, to a fire chief's preference. There are probably more reasons. Some have said that they want to copy another department that they admire.

Besides the color itself, there are color combination choices-white over red, black over red, and so on-and reflective material that offer a lot of options. Even on the back of the vehicle, where National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards require reflective material, departments adjust the design to their tastes while complying with the standard. Other markings promote branding and style. There are many ways to affix reflective tape, and departments are taking the opportunity to show off their creativity and individuality. Some select a more modern design while others retain some sense of tradition. Either way makes no difference and allows for creative expression.


Although many truck components

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Posted: Mar 3, 2014

Tankers/Tenders: Keep Them on Their Wheels

By Chris Mc Loone

If you are on the East Coast, you know them as tankers. If you're on the West Coast, you know them as tenders.

And, if you're in the fire service, you know them as being the smallest percentage of fire apparatus out on the road with the highest chance of getting killed if you are involved in an accident with one.

Additionally, tankers/tenders have not been immune to the current trend of building apparatus that can perform more than one function. Multipurpose designs have also impacted the tanker/tender market where today we have pumper-tankers and tanker-pumpers. The combination apparatus are sometimes longer, carry more equipment, and can carry more personnel than their two-door, straight water hauler brethren. What is common among whatever type of tanker/tender your department might own is that it will carry at least 1,000 gallons of water. According to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus (2009 ed.), "The mobile water supply apparatus shall be equipped with a water tank(s) that meets the requirements of Chapter 18 and that has a minimum certified capacity (combined, if applicable) of 1,000 gallons (4,000 L)." Although the minimum tank capacity is 1,000 gallons, departments often have larger tanks, and it is the amount of water carried that is a major difference in how a tanker/tender operates vs. a custom pumper.

As with many things, awareness is key. Fire apparatus today is extremely easy to drive. Gone are the days of double clutching and stalling if you don't find the next gear in time. The pool of drivers is far wider and deeper than ever before. But, drivers and operators must be aware of how different a tanker/tender is and why to operate it safely.

Water Weight and Motion

The main difference between a custom pumper and a tanker/tender is the amount of water it carries. Some tanker/tenders are straight water haulers with small pumps on them, while others are designed more as first-out pieces, carrying enough equipment to function as Class A pumpers. Regardless of the type, the handling of a vehicle carrying 1,000 gallons of water or more is going to be different than a truck carrying a 750-gallon water tank. Water in motion directly impacts how the vehicle handles.

One gallon of water weighs slightly more than eight pounds. So, tankers/tenders compliant with NFPA 1901 will carry approximately 8,340 pounds of water. With that much extra water weight-weight that is in motion-operating the apparatus is impacted. "It doesn't matter if you're in a commercial two-door with 3,000 gallons of water or a big four-door custom eight-person cab with 2,500 gallons of water," says Mike Wilbur, president, Emergency Vehicle Response. "The laws of physics dictate that if you don't drive them conservatively at a slower speed and pay attention, you will flip them over. The laws of physics are very unforgiving."

Firefighter Jim Moore, Miami-Dade (FL) Fire Rescue Department, agrees and says the difference between operating a tanker/tender and a custom pumper is the dynamic load of the water itself. "It's a high center of gravity, and when you brake and turn, the longer you are braking and turning, the more apt the vehicle is to roll over and react in a way you're not expecting," he says. "The tanks are baffled. But as you are turning, such as on a full 360-degree cloverleaf, enough water will go through the baffles and climb up the side of the tank that you will have to reduce your speed."

An important point regarding water in motion is driving a tanker/tender when it is half full-a practice that is not recommended. "You see the most drastic change in characteristics while driving if [the tank] is half full," says Moore, "because there is space for the water to disperse to one side and give you a severe load change,

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Posted: Mar 3, 2014

Fire Apparatus Seating

By Paul Bostrom

In 2006, members of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) approached the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers' Association (FAMA) to discuss the need for seat and seat belt fit and comfort improvement within fire apparatus.

FAMA responded immediately by organizing a measurement survey of more than 800 firefighters to determine their average size, weight, and shape. This survey has now been followed up with a new study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). One common thread in both studies is that firefighters have grown in size, and the bulk of their gear has grown as well.

40 Pounds in a 10-Pound Bag

Although firefighters have grown, the apparatus cab has stayed the same. Commercial cab size is dictated by the high-volume needs of the trucking industry and is restricted in width by highway regulations and in height by bridge clearance. In addition, changes in engine emission regulations by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have caused engine tunnels to grow, reducing the space left for cab occupants.

Picking Your Apparatus

As airline travelers know all too well, a human body is able to fit in a compact seating space. Whether an individual in the seat is comfortable in that space is another question. If the majority of the firefighters in your department are average size and the required amount of gear is moderate, you may not need to consider seating as a primary factor when selecting apparatus. If firefighter sizes vary in your department or you require personnel to carry more gear as part of or attached to their turnout gear, you may want to think carefully about cab configurations.

Most custom cabs will have a tight fit for the driver and officer because of the space occupied by the engine and cooling package. This condition is caused by the need to get cooling air to the radiator. If this situation is unacceptable, you will have to consider a custom cab that moves the engine rearward and uses a less conventional means to cool it. Other options to consider for increased driver and officer space include raising the seat riser and notching the doghouse in your custom cab. The crew area of a custom cab has much more room to work with. If seating comfort is a priority, consider three-across seating rather than the more traditional four-across configuration.

Although conventional commercial cabs are not encumbered with a large engine tunnel, they are narrower than a custom cab. This means that although the driver may have a bit more hip room, rear occupants might have less room if you are trying to fit more than two in the crew cab.

New Apparatus: Picking Your Seat

Once you have a cab configuration identified, you can turn to the seats themselves.

Fire apparatus seating has become more complex as suppliers strive to provide enhanced comfort, safety, and accessibility and accommodate the increase in equipment worn in transit by today's firefighters. Fire departments want driver and officer seat adjustability, including fore and aft, height, back recline, and tilt, as well as crew seats with space-saving flip-up cushions.

Driver seats that adjust to fit all size occupants provide added flexibility, and shock-absorbing air suspension seats enhance passenger comfort. Another important industry safety trend is seat-mounted airbag integration. Seats are available with an air bag mounted inside and a deployment corridor incorporated next to the seat for reliable air bag positioning relative to the occupant. Of course, durability of materials is important, given the wear and tear the seats are subject to.

When it comes to seat belts, it is desirable to have an integral three-point seat belt system mounted within the seat to provide easy access to the seat belt and provide sufficient usable belt length.

Finally, i

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Fire Mechanics Section Board


Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Elliot Courage
North Whatcom Fire & Rescue
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Vice Chair

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Vice Chair

Mike Smith 
Pierce County Fire District #5
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Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Greg Bach
South Snohomish County Fire & Rescue
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Director #1

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #1

Doug Jones
South Kitsap Fire & Rescue
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Director #2

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #2

Paul Spencer 
Fire Fleet Maintenance LLC
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Director #3

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #3

Jim Morris
Mountain View Fire Department
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Director #4

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #4

Arnie Kuchta

Clark County Fire District 6

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Director #6

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #6

Brett Annear
Kitsap County Fire District 18
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Director #5

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #5

Jay Jacks
Camano Island Fire & Rescue
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Legislative Representative

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Legislative Representative

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Immediate Past Chair

Posted: Oct 20, 2015

Immediate Past Chair

Brian Fortner
Graham Fire & Rescue

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