

The Finest Supporting the Bravest!

The purpose of the Fire Mechanics Section is to promote standardization of fire apparatus and equipment preventative maintenance, improve safety standards and practices, promote workshops, conferences, and seminars related to the purposes of this Section, and to promote cost savings through standardization of building and equipment purchasing and maintenance.


Posted: Sep 5, 2013

Apparatus Purchasing: Front Bumper Preconnects

Bill Adams

Numerous apparatus manufacturers now offer custom cabs and chassis with preconnected hoselines located on front bumper extensions. I take no side in using front bumpers to store preconnects and show no preference if they are used for structural attack, vehicle fires, or trash lines for nuisance fires. Those are local decisions. The apparatus photographed herein were built to each department's specifications for the particular requirements of their individual response areas.

This article looks at their layouts from a broad perspective for the entire marketplace and is not intended to disparage any design, manufacturer, or end user. The intent is to help the next purchaser specify and lay out a new rig. First time users who spec a bumper preconnect without doing research may be doing a disservice to their fire department and an injustice to the taxpayers who foot the bill. Considering the investment to extend a bumper; fabricate storage space; and provide the accoutrements, controls, and plumbing for it, a bumper preconnect probably costs more "dollars per gallon delivered" than same sized discharges located elsewhere on the apparatus. Todd McBride, apparatus specialist for Rosenbauer-America, says it's approximately $1,800 to extend a front bumper with hose wells and about $1,650 to add a two-inch discharge-a $3,450 investment to deliver about 200 gallons per minute (gpm).

removable tray on a pumper

(1) This removable tray on a pumper for Alexandria, Virginia, is set
close to the cab fascia. Lift-to-turn D-ring latches on each end enable
quick removal of the tray when tilting the cab. (Photo courtesy by


Purchasers address bumper preconnects three ways. One is based on past experience. The department has one, likes the way it works, and wants to replicate it. That has merit. Another is to purposely design them to be job-specific. That shows planning, initiative, and foresight. The third way may lack judgment and astuteness. As an example, a neighboring department might have one, and the apparatus purchasing committee (APC) thinks it's a good idea. It specs one without giving much thought to it. If there is no rhyme or reason to the decision, it's like buying a pair of shoes without first trying them on. You hope they fit. Good luck.

Vendors are obligated to ensure the components they recommend to an APC will actually meet the APC's expectations. Rather than placating an APC, vendors should be asking pertinent questions to enable the APC to make informed decisions. What flow is expected? Is it foam-capable? Will it be used for initial attack? How much hose is to be carried? How do you plan to deploy it? Purchasers must be made aware of any impact on the overall apparatus length, wall-to-wall and curb-to-curb turning radii, the angle of approach, and overall weight distribution. By the way, how much will it cost, and is it cost-effective? McBride explains that a 2½-inch bumper discharge costs about 15 percent more than a two-inch discharge with a net gain of 50 percent more water. It seems incomprehensible that an APC would consider a front bumper preconnect without addressing pertinent firematic and financial issues.

Crosslays laid flat on this cab and chassis

(2) Crosslays laid flat on this cab and chassis look neat but could be
awkward to deploy. It is essential to remove all trapped air and water
before repacking to ensure covers close completely. Hose
connections are rec Read more

Posted: Sep 5, 2013

VDRs: Underutilized Tools in Every New Fire Apparatus

By David Durstine
VP, Akron Brass Company

The most current edition of NFPA 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, went into effect in January 2010 and included a number of new requirements improving fire apparatus performance, reliability, and safety. One of those safety provisions placed a mandatory requirement that all apparatus compliant with NFPA 1901 include a vehicle data recorder (VDR) similar to the "black box" on an aircraft. VDRs record a number of modern apparatus parameters, including vehicle speed, acceleration, deceleration, engine speed, throttle position, antilock braking system (ABS) events, seat occupied status, seat belt status, master optical warning device switch position, time, date, and other data.

Many fire industry leaders were the driving force behind this VDR requirement as a solution to help with one of the most disastrous and preventable problems facing today's fire service. All too often we hear or read about firefighters being injured or killed as a result of vehicular accidents involving fire apparatus. In most cases, these accidents were and are preventable. When used as a proactive tool, the VDR, combined with a proper operator training program and continuous improvement, can be of real value to your department.

Two Ways to See It

Some city officials, fire officers, and firefighters might argue this requirement from both sides of the fence. If the VDR records an accident and can confirm safe, responsible driving, then they would probably love the indisputable data. On the other hand, if this data pointed to irresponsible operation, then the opposite would be true. Both viewpoints were part of regular discussions at NFPA 1901 meetings leading up to the revised standard. At the time, it was shared with me and others numerous times leading up to finalizing the current NFPA 1901 revision that since 1992 all electronic engines have had a last incident reporting system onboard, which could be downloaded by engine manufacturers using special software. These incident reporting systems captured much more data than VDRs with the exception of master warning lights, seat occupancy, and seat belt status. This knowledge helped reinforce the fact that the data were there whether we wanted them or not. Today's VDRs simply provide fire departments with easy access to the data and in a way that can be used proactively to help save lives.

VDR Types

There are numerous VDR manufacturers and suppliers. All have very similar devices with some level of differentiation between each. But, two things are very consistent: They all record the same NFPA-required data and they all make it accessible for you to use and be proactive with. Rick Fix, of Fire Research Corporation, states, "As for VDR usage, most departments I have seen with them only download from them when they have an incident, not realizing that they have a great tool to monitor driver and firefighter safety." Pete Luhrs, with Weldon, a division of Akron Brass, says, "The intent of adding the VDR and seat belt indicator to fire trucks is to promote safety. Too many good men and women get hurt each year on their way to and from scenes. However, one of the cool features available is that this information can be used for troubleshooting a vehicle issue as well."

Using VDR Data

Are you really getting the most out of your VDR? I would like to share a personal experience regarding my department. We rarely look at our VDR data. As a small volunteer department, we really don't have the time and resources to download and evaluate the data. However, a couple of months ago my chief asked me to download the VDR data from our engine and provide him with some key pieces of information.

More precisely, as I probed more details from him, he

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Posted: Sep 5, 2013

On Being a Target

By Chris Mc Loone

It's interesting how as you ascend the career ladder, that target on your back gets bigger and bigger with every new position. There seem to be those in this world who were put here simply to call into question everything we do, assemble roadblocks to everything we want to do, and work to derail everything we do manage to accomplish. It's the nature of the beast, of course, and as we climb our career ladders we just have to work through it all. It's a pretty trite phrase these days, but it truly is what it is.

The connection to apparatus and equipment is that these people routinely find themselves on apparatus purchasing committees (APCs). Many times it's because they've been on the last four APCs, so they are kept on for their perspectives. And, many times they are former white coats who may be past their prime. How many of us have had to deal with that one APC member who insists on throwing wrench after wrench into the works? One day it is, "The last time we specified a truck, company A could accommodate this request. Why can't this company?" Then the chassis is different than all the other chassis in the house, and this causes more consternation and additional wrenches are tossed into the machine.

Some of these individuals are valuable APC members, while others seemingly only seek to serve on the APC to call into question every decision made. Some say this is a good "check and balance" for a committee. If the goal of those doing the checking and balancing is to build the best possible truck based on the needs of the department, then I agree. But, if all they wish to do is denigrate those on the committee and second guess everything, then that's not checking and balancing. It's impeding progress.

How do we deal with these people? is the question. In many cases, they are former chiefs who have earned the right for newer members to treat them with respect-if for no other reason than by their saying, "Yes, I volunteer to lead this department as a chief officer," at one point in their careers. There are fewer of these men and women than we think. And, many of us owe them a debt of gratitude for building our departments into the organizations that many revere in communities around the world. So, taking a dismissive approach isn't the answer-especially since many can still contribute positively.

It falls on the APC chairman to figure all this out. The chairman of the APC has a monumental responsibility to keep the committee on course. He has the unique responsibility to manage the seasoned veterans along with the younger upstarts who think they have all the answers. Be careful-sometimes they do hold a few answers. These are the members who will be riding what you spec for the department.

Have an agenda for each meeting, assign someone to take minutes, and make sure you develop deliverable action items for APC members at the end of every meeting. At the next meeting, go through the action items and act on them. Then go through the process again according to your agenda for the meeting. There will be disagreement. Don't let it get heated. Don't let either side of the table act in a disrespectful manner to the other side. Eventually through it all, you'll come up with a truck that will be the envy of your surrounding communities-that is, until a neighboring department takes delivery of its newest piece. Again, it is what it is.

Remember that this translates into all other facets of leading an organization. Leadership isn't easy, especially when you are sitting in a room with a mixture of your mentors and those you are now called on to lead. Subtly reminding the veterans that you are owed the same respect they expect from you and the youngsters in the room isn't easy and, unfortunately, might take a private meeting to get the idea across. Conversely, explaining to the youngsters why they owe respect to the veterans isn't a

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Posted: Sep 5, 2013

Rescue Tools Designed for Today's Response Realities

Chris Mc Loone

The realities of today's fire service staffing issues are not lost on any tool or apparatus manufacturer. As personnel numbers shrink, so have fleets in some cases as many departments have shifted to multipurpose apparatus. Shifting to multipurpose apparatus makes tool mounting more critical than ever because equipment from two rigs is consolidated into one. Organizing it all and making it fit are no easy tasks. Additionally, new vehicle technology has created the need for more powerful tools in some cases, which typically weigh more.

But, beyond apparatus design, equipment manufacturers are tasked with creating equipment that is easily deployable by fewer firefighters at incident scenes. Tools being designed to address reduced staffing include hydraulic rescue tools.

Through the years, hydraulic rescue tool manufacturers have come up with a variety of setups for deploying the tools. One setup is to have the power units mounted on the trucks and the tools connected to reels. When the apparatus would pull up to the rescue scene, the operator would get the generator going, and firefighters would stretch the tools from the truck. Apparatus placement for this setup was key because to get decent power from the tool, the hydraulic line had to be a certain length. Make the line too long, and performance decreases.

Moving to all gas-powered units solves some tool performance problems because departments could spec shorter hydraulic lines. But, atmospheric contaminants like exhaust become an issue for both rescuers and victims.

Some departments have mounted power units and tools on carts. Once on scene, they would essentially have everything they needed to start a rescue on a cart. One person could wheel the cart into position while another firefighter stretched an electric cord for power. The only problem here is getting the carts off the truck easily. You need at least two firefighters. The name of the game these days is to give crews tools they can deploy with a minimum number of firefighters-sometimes only one.

Hydraulic Innovations

First and foremost on the minds of many equipment purchasing committees is how to purchase tools that match the staffing realities of each department. These tools need to be deployable by one firefighter in many cases. It's important to remember that although your department may field enough firefighters generally for vehicle rescues, it needs to be prepared that sometimes the crew won't be what is needed when the truck leaves the firehouse.

Holmatro Inc.'s philosophy for many years has been to address staffing requirements with the tools it designs, according to Fran Dunigan Jr., marketing manager, Holmatro, Inc. "Holmatro's tools have been on the cutting edge of power, while still keeping light weight and portability in mind," he says. "Plus, CORE Technology™ is still helping make rescue operations faster, easier, and safer." Dunigan adds that the auto-return CORE™ coupler eliminates dump valves on Holmatro power units and the need to dedicate staffing to that task. "The single-line CORE hoses are up to 60 percent lighter than traditional twin-line hose and are kink- and snag-free," he states.

The HURST Jaws of Life CombiTool

(1) The HURST Jaws of Life CombiTool SC350E is part of the company's
eDRAULIC hydraulic-electric line of rescue tools that free rescue workers
of power units and heavy hoses, reducing the number of firefighters and
associated setup time needed with traditional tools. (Photo courtesy of
HURST Jaws of Life.)


Holmatro has also recently introduced a way for customers to turn all of their existi

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Fire Mechanics Section Board


Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Elliot Courage
North Whatcom Fire & Rescue
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Vice Chair

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Vice Chair

Mike Smith 
Pierce County Fire District #5
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Posted: Oct 21, 2015


Greg Bach
South Snohomish County Fire & Rescue
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Director #1

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #1

Doug Jones
South Kitsap Fire & Rescue
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Director #2

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #2

Paul Spencer 
Fire Fleet Maintenance LLC
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Director #3

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #3

Jim Morris
Mountain View Fire Department
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Director #4

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #4

Arnie Kuchta

Clark County Fire District 6

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Director #6

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #6

Brett Annear
Kitsap County Fire District 18
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Director #5

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Director #5

Jay Jacks
Camano Island Fire & Rescue
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Legislative Representative

Posted: Oct 21, 2015

Legislative Representative

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Immediate Past Chair

Posted: Oct 20, 2015

Immediate Past Chair

Brian Fortner
Graham Fire & Rescue

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