New Paltz Fire Department opened its brand-new headquarters during a grand opening for the community September 17, reported. The 14,000-square-foot building was many years in the making.
The department received money after Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee devastated portions of the New Paltz Township in 2011.
A fire official said that emergency responses to the 2011 weather disasters were hindered by the fact that the old NPFD headquarters was located in the Wallkill River floodplain, the report said. It was also too small for the department’s needs, with firetrucks and other vehicles crammed into three tight bays. The fire department currently operates a 100-foot platform ladder truck, two engines, one rescue pumper, one supply pumper, one tanker, one brushfire police truck, one rescue boat and one utility off-road vehicle, the report said.
The new Apparatus Bay will ease the space crunch significantly, according to the report. It has five doors on each end, one set opening onto North Putt Corners Road and the other onto the building’s rear parking lot, accessible from Henry W. DuBois Drive. Topped by southward- and westward-oriented shed roofs that will eventually hold solar collectors, this part of the new building also houses a radio dispatcher’s office, equipment storage and cleaning stations.
The other half of the building has two entrances, the one on the south side leading to a full kitchen and a Community Room that could easily accommodate an augmented crew of volunteers in the event of an emergency such as a major ice storm. It’s also big enough to host training exercises when the folding tables and chairs are put away.