Belle Plaine man Dwayne Roach recently went on a tour of destruction and caught a series of charges in the process—his actions highlighted by the theft of a New Prague Fire Department Ford Excursion, reports
Officials say he traveled in the stolen Excursion to the New Prague utilities building, which he entered and then messed around with a couple sets of controls, the report says. Officials say his button-pushing could have caused flooding.
The crime was only uncovered after police officials arrested Roach for a series of separate incidents on May 4, which include setting a barn on fire in Cedar Lake Township; driving a tractor found in said barn into a house on the same property and smashing an aquarium in the process; setting fire to the house; fleeing police while wearing a New Prague Fire Department jacket in a side-by-side; and resisting arrest.
Charges against the 59-year-old include 1st- and 2nd-degree arson, two counts of burglary, damage to property, vehicle theft, and drug possession, according to the report.
Police officials discovered the fire department apparatus at the scene of one of the fires, the report says. As he was being taken into custody, Roach admitted to stealing the truck. A bag of methamphetamines was found on Roach.