By Raul Angulo
Radio communications are probably the least exciting component of fireground strategy and tactics, yet without them we cannot operate efficiently and safely.
In fact, in a modern society, without radio communications it is unlikely that we could perform any emergency operations at all. Radio communications are used extensively in size-up, making assignments, reporting progress or delays in carrying out those assignments, reporting changing fireground conditions, and maintaining firefighter accountability.
Most importantly, radio communications are our invisible lifeline to safety, especially when a Mayday is called for a trapped or down firefighter. This is when your life literally depends on the reliability of your portable radio.
Another area that heavily depends on the reliability of portable radio communications is in high-rise firefighting. Depending on how much concrete and steel is used in a building of Type I fire-resistive construction, firefighters may lose the ability to communicate when operating deep inside the building or in below-grade levels. An 800 MHz signal from a repeater can effectively be blocked. A “bonk” tone occurs when the transmit button is depressed, preventing all communications from being sent or received. Task assignments can be missed; situation updates can’t be reported; and, most importantly, you cannot call a Mayday for help. You are on your own.
Our current solution is to switch to a simplex channel (radio-to-radio) or physically move to a perimeter window within the high-rise building to establish line-of-sight communications with the command post or move to where the portable radio can once again connect to the repeater and reestablish normal communications. However, this solution is not always reliable or possible.
Well, these problems have been mitigated by Motorola Solutions with the introduction of the APX NEXT XN portable radio and XVN500 Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM). Launched in December 2022, it is Motorola Solutions most rugged portable radio for the fire service to date.
This smart radio is an all-band radio. It can be used with 800 MHz, 700 MHz, UHF, VHF, broadband, and Wi-Fi networks. It has voice-roam LTE (Long-Term Evolution) capability with FirstNet AT&T and Verizon networks as well as Bell Mobility in Canada. LTE is a standard for wireless data transmissions and is sometimes referred to as 4G LTE. Equipped with Smart Connect, the radio detects when a land mobile radio signal is low or lost and automatically switches to LTE connectivity, ensuring the continuity of voice communications.
For example, the 800 MHz system or whatever designated fire frequency normally is used always takes priority, and the ability to switch to a simplex channel remains a viable option. But if the 800 MHz signal is weak, intermittent, or lost completely, as in a dead zone, the smart radio will roam to the agency’s carrier network (FirstNet AT&T, Verizon, or in Canada Bell Mobility) and will automatically switch over without the firefighter having to manually change channels or manipulate the radio.
The smart radio can also roam to a Wi-Fi network and continue to transmit and receive messages if provisioned on the network or connected to a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot. The quality of communication remains the same. The radio indicates that SoundConnect is active by showing blue bars on the top display panel as well as on the larger touch screen on the front of the radio. It also uses a different talk-permit tone, which alerts the firefighter that the radio has switched to an alternative network. Again, it’s done automatically and seamlessly without the firefighter doing anything.
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