
WFC News

Posted: Aug 4, 2017

Dummerston's New Fire Substation, Bigger, More Usable

DUMMERSTON - Firefighters here should have their substation back up and running in the next couple weeks. "We're very excited," West Dummerston Assistant Fire Chief Richard Cogliano said Thursday during a tour. "Coming from a station that was dark, had water issues, had electrical issues, was small and cramped - this is huge for us.
Getting about 200 to 220 calls a year, Cogliano said the station fits the small department's needs. 

"For us, it's definitely huge," he said, noting that the building is only slightly larger in square feet than its predecessor, but it's now one floor rather than two. "We took the meeting room that was on the second floor and we added it onto the back of the building. We made the bay slightly larger. We squared off the building. The ceilings are definitely higher so we have no issues with fit of the trucks and the apparatus, where our Engine 2 could not fit in here before." 

When other departments had come to cover the Dummerston station during calls in the past, Cogliano said, they had to keep their trucks outside. That can create problems in the winter; pumps can freeze up.

A new truck is supposed to make its way to the department next year. 

"So that means we'd have two trucks that wouldn't fit in here," Cogliano said, "and that's not workable."
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Posted: Aug 4, 2017

Work Continues on New Lebanon Fire Station

The station, named the Joe Hayes Fire Hall No. 4 after the late Councilor Joe Hayes, will be at the intersection East Division Street and State Route 109. Henry and Hank McCall donated the land in front of Wilson Bank & Trust to the city last year.

The council, city officials and Dowell decided to alter the fire hall design in 2015 after the original round of bids featured estimated costs of $2.4 million and $2.5 million, which were about $1 million more expensive than the earliest estimated costs.


Dowell made several changes to the previously bid fire hall design that altered the fire hall to an 8,500-square-foot, two-bay station from an 11,000-square-foot, three-bay hall that was originally bid.

Dowell previously said the absence of a fire station near the area could be a reason it hasn’t seen much industrial and business growth, noting the area has a higher Insurance Services Office or ISO rating than the rest of the city.

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Posted: Aug 4, 2017

Harker Heights: Central Fire Station Undergoes $4 Million Renovation

The Harker Heights Central Fire Station is getting a $4 million face lift. Harker Heights Fire Chief Paul Sims said construction started in June, and is scheduled to be complete in March of 2018. This is the first major re-model for the Harker Heights Fire Department, which is nearly 32 years old, Sims said.

This is the first major re-model for the Harker Heights Fire Department, which is nearly 32 years old, Sims said.

The renovations include adding onto the existing building to create a separate space for administration offices.

The current structure will continue to hold the firetrucks and EMS vehicles, Sims said.

It is also being re-modeled to hold private rooms, bathrooms and common spaces for the firefighters.

"This is their home for a third of their life, each and every shift, and when you take that into account, they need to have the space to do what they need to do, just as if they were at home, but be in a ready state of response,” Sims said.

Toward the back of the property, a separate building is being constructed into a gym and training facility for both firefighters and all city employees as well.

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Posted: Aug 4, 2017

Car on Fire Hydrant After Crash with Hamilton Fire Truck | Hamilton

The Great American Eclipse will be visible across the country on August 21. In the Miami Valley, the solar eclipse will begin shortly after 1 p.m. Aug. 21. It will take the moon almost three hours to cross the face of the sun, from one side to the other.

One firefighter and a woman in a car were taken to a hospital as a precaution following a collision between a Hamilton Fire Department engine and a car.

There was a small amount of damage to the right front bumper of the fire truck. The impact forced the car to land atop a fire hydrant.

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Posted: Aug 4, 2017

Riga Fire Department Gets a New Pumper-Tanker

RIGA TWP. - The waiting was the toughest part of Wednesday afternoon for the Riga Township Fire Department. However, each firefighter said it was all worth it when that red fire truck came down Riga Highway toward the station, becoming the new truck in the department's fleet.

“This is big for us and it will be a great addition,” Riga Township fire chief Mike Norman said when the new 3,000-gallon pumper/tanker truck was parked in front of the station.

The truck cost $277,000 and was made possible by the voter-approved fire equipment millage. It replaces an engine that was 25 years old.

Norman said the truck gives the department more capabilities for a variety of situations. He said one of the biggest advantages is the amount of water it can bring to the scene of a fire. Being a pumper/tanker allows it to carry a lot of water, but it also the ability to pump out a lot — 1,500 gallons per minute.

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