
WFC News

Posted: Feb 9, 2016

Vancouver firefighters respond to apartment fire

Vancouver firefighters were busy Tuesday morning, responding to a blaze at the Redwood Acres Apartment Complex. The call came in around 5:15 a.m. at the complex on Northeast 62nd Avenue, near Fourth Plain Boulevard. Firefighters told KGW-TV ithe fire started in a bedroom in a unit on the third floor.
- PUB DATE: 2/9/2016 8:43:52 AM - SOURCE: kgw
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Posted: Feb 9, 2016

INCREDIBLE SURVIVAL: South Glengarry firefighter tells wife 'Alex was watching'

CORNWALL, Ontario - How South Glengarry firefighter Randy Robertson survived a harrowing rollover accident on Highway 401 Saturday is anyone's guess - except his. "He told me our nephew Alexander was watching over him," said Robertson's wife Debbie Julien on Sunday, barely 24 hours after Robertson was nearly killed while responding in a fire truck to another accident on the busy provincial thoroughfare.

The tanker truck Robertson was driving rolled multiple times on a snowy Saturday morning. He was left partially hanging from the vehicle which appears nearly destroyed in images shared with this newspaper.

His injuries read like a laundry list of life-threatening ailments: a collapsed lung, broken shoulder, broken collar bone, broken vertebrae, internal bleeding and a deep gash on his head. A chest tube has also been inserted.

Doctors, who have informed Julien that her husband is expected to recover, are expected to make a decision on surgery concerning his badly injured back.

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Posted: Feb 9, 2016

Fire department uses award to buy rescue equipment

BENTON - The Benton Volunteer Fire Department will use money from a recent award to buy an unusual, yet vital piece of rescue equipment. The fire department received the 2015 Gary Garverick Memorial Award, which is funded by the Finger Lakes Health Foundation. It will help them buy a grain bin rescue tube.

The Benton Volunteer Fire Department will use money from a recent award to buy an unusual, yet vital piece of rescue equipment.

The fire department received the 2015 Gary Garverick Memorial Award, which is funded by the Finger Lakes Health Foundation. It will help them buy a grain bin rescue tube.

Fire department officials said the apparatus is the only such equipment in Yates County.

Daniel Martin, EMS captain for the department, said many grain storage bins have been built in the county recently and more are planned. The rescue tube would free a person who became trapped in flowing grain.

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Posted: Feb 9, 2016

Equipment stolen from Hickman County volunteer fire department

WILLIAMSPORT, Tenn. (WKRN) - Nearly $2,000 worth of equipment was stolen from the Shady Grove Volunteer Fire Department in Hickman County last month. According to Chief William Jackson, the burglary happened between Jan. 26 and 27 and the thief or thieves got inside the building by busting out glass in the bay doors.

According to Chief William Jackson, the burglary happened between Jan. 26 and 27 and the thief or thieves got inside the building by busting out glass in the bay doors.

Two chainsaws, four flashlights, two five-gallon gas cans with gas, four shovels and two cast iron antique small fire trucks were stolen.

The thief or thieves also rummaged through medical supplies but did not take anything.

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Posted: Feb 9, 2016

Waco to rehab old Montana firetruck

In the summer of 2003, Pete Lohmer was minding his own business while driving to his Lake Whitney home. But law enforcement officials stopped him at least 10 times, he said, though no law was being broken on his three-day trip from Montana.

he Waco Fire Department Honor Guard/Pipes & Drum nonprofit organization is thrilled with the vehicle, which began its history not far from where Lohmer’s 2003 adventure began.

Dillon, Mont., a town of about 4,000 residents, bought the truck new in 1956 from an American LaFrance dealership in New York. It still has Dillon’s name on it, along with the No. 3 engine number.

Former Dillon Volunteer Fire Chief Roy Cornell remembers the truck well. Cornell spent 32 years with the Dillon Volunteer Fire Department and was fire chief from 1988 until he retired in 2000. He now drives school buses in Dillon.

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