Posted: Feb 3, 2016
Nearly 100 first responders and other protesters showed up at Monday’s Beaufort County Commissioners meeting after a commissioner called firemen who provide on-scene medical services “bubbas.”
The controversial comments were made by Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson during January’s meeting.
- PUB DATE: 2/3/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: WNCN-TV NBC 17
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Posted: Feb 3, 2016
A 30-year-old man pleaded not guilty to attempted murder after shooting at first responders at a crash scene.
Cache Valley Daily reported that Cade M. Austin, 30, was driving erratically before he crashed into a large natural gas regulating device on Dec. 15. He then brandished a handgun and exchanged gunfire with Assistant Fire Chief Jeremy Hunt.
- PUB DATE: 2/3/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: firerescue1
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Posted: Feb 3, 2016
The top two officials in the Pensacola Fire Department are out on administrative leave pending the results of an open investigation.
Fire Chief Matt Schmitt and Deputy Fire Chief Joseph Glover were placed on paid leave Tuesday.
Details of the investigation were scarce, with city spokesman Vernon Stewart only confirming it would be performed “by an outside organization.
- PUB DATE: 2/3/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: Pensacola news journal
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Posted: Feb 3, 2016
Skagit County Fire District 7 reported this week it has been the victim of a scam that has defrauded the district of about $75,000.
The district had planned to use the money to buy a firetruck.
According to a news release from the district, someone pretending to be the district’s secretary sent an email to the Skagit County Treasurer’s Office requesting $75,500 be wired from the district’s account to another account.
- PUB DATE: 2/3/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE:
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Posted: Feb 3, 2016
Skagit County Fire District 7 reported this week it has been the victim of a scam that has defrauded the district of about $75,000.
The district had planned to use the money to buy a firetruck.
According to a news release from the district, someone pretending to be the district’s secretary sent an email to the Skagit County Treasurer’s Office requesting $75,500 be wired from the district’s account to another account.
- PUB DATE: 2/3/2016 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE:
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