
WFC News

Posted: Sep 28, 2015

In Vicious Fire Season, an Endurance Test for California Crews

The firefighters collapse in driveways and fields to steal a moment’s rest. They sleep in their engines, sprawled across fire hoses or slumped over steering wheels. After they spend days hacking dead brush and setting defensive fires across flaming mountains, their 24-hour rest breaks are cut short when a new fire rears up.
- PUB DATE: 9/28/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: new york times
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Posted: Sep 28, 2015

Proposal to build apartments atop new fire station sparks debate in Maryland

Zoning battles aren’t unusual when developers propose high-rise buildings amid single-family homes, but some Montgomery County residents are fighting the development plans of an unusual opponent: their local fire department. The Bethesda Fire Department’s board of directors says it needs to replace or renovate its 46-year-old headquarters to keep pace with emergency calls as downtown Bethesda continues to transform from a leafy suburb into an urban hub.
- PUB DATE: 9/28/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: the washington post
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Posted: Sep 28, 2015

Attorneys argue over fire report related to death of two Ohio firefighters

As prosecutors and defense attorneys continue to argue over the destruction of an investigator’s report on the Magnolia Street fire that killed two firefighters, at least one legal tangle for accused arsonist Ray Abou-Arab was eliminated Thursday. At the request of prosecutors, Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Stacy Cook dismissed unrelated charges alleging Mr.
- PUB DATE: 9/28/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: Toledo Blade
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Posted: Sep 28, 2015

Breakdowns highlight decaying state of New Orleans Fire Department’s fleet

Firefighters preparing to rush to the scene of a vehicle fire early Friday found themselves stranded at their Clara Street station when their truck wouldn’t start. To make matters worse, while an engine from another nearby station was dispatched to the blaze on Toledano Street, firefighters who headed out to New Orleans East from the Clara Street station found that the spare truck they were planning to pick up there also was inoperable.
- PUB DATE: 9/28/2015 12:00:00 AM - SOURCE: the new orleans advocate
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Posted: Sep 28, 2015

Photo of the Day-American LaFrance Pumper

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