National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, and NFPA 1906, Standard for Wildland Fire Apparatus, are the guiding documents for apparatus design.
As such, Fire Apparatus Manufacturers' Association (FAMA) member companies take a very active interest in their content. Changes made to these documents by the NFPA Apparatus Committee can have significant impact on safety, performance, and cost. The committee, comprising fire chiefs, industry experts, and manufacturers, has been working on revisions over the past few years, and the new versions will take effect on apparatus contracted for delivery after January 1, 2016. In contrast to the 2009 standards updates, the document revisions this time around do not involve dramatic impacts to apparatus design. Here are some highlights included in the 2016 revisions.
Ultra High Pressure
The use of ultra high pressure in fire suppression has been promoted by the United States Air Force over the past few years. Having recognized that this technique has been gaining popularity in certain applications, the committee defined pump discharge pressures up to 500 pounds per square inch (psi) as "Normal Pressure," between 500 and 1,100 psi as "High Pressure," and over 1,100 psi as "Ultra High Pressure (UHP)." A new chapter has been added to establish the minimum requirements of a UHP pumping system.
New Apparatus Familiarization
It is common for new apparatus deliveries to include some degree of familiarization by the apparatus manufacturer or the sales organization. This practice is now included as a requirement in the standard, with guidance as to what should be covered and the qualifications of the instructor.
Safety Sign Standardization
Originally prompted by Chief Thomas Wood of the Boca Raton (FL) Fire Department, the FAMA technical committee developed a series of standardized safety signs covering the common hazards of fire apparatus operation. Wood felt that firefighters were better served by having consistency in the safety messages between apparatus-even if they came from different manufacturers. Many of the FAMA signs have been added as requirements in the standards, ensuring that safety messages on future apparatus will be consistent across all manufacturers' products. The complete set of FAMA safety signs can be viewed and downloaded from the resource tab at
FAMA Safety Guide
Another FAMA initiative was creating the FAMA Fire Apparatus Safety Guide. This guide, now in its second revision, covers safe practices common to all fire apparatus and is a great resource for safety-conscious fire departments. A copy of the FAMA Fire Apparatus Safety Guide will be required to accompany every new apparatus delivery. Fire departments may purchase extra copies of the guide at
Seat Belt Stalk Length
The ease with which firefighters can buckle their seat belts continued to be a topic of discussion at committee meetings. One means of making it easier to buckle the belt is to increase the height of the buckle stalk. A higher stalk is easier to reach, but a stalk that is too high reduces the effectiveness of the belt in a crash. After studying the science, the committee established a maximum buckle stalk length that it feels will improve reachability without compromising performance.
Tiller Cab Integrity
In 2009, NFPA 1901 was revised to mandate cab integrity criteria for large apparatus. The n