
WFC News

Posted: Apr 15, 2015

The Fire Service Charts Its Own Path to Broadband

Mike Petersen   Mike Petersen

Walk into a firehouse anywhere and you're likely to hear firefighters talking about broadband. The fuel for these discussions often is news of a new, more powerful consumer smartphone. Firefighters want access to the capabilities consumer devices deliver.

They are anxious for FirstNet to deploy, providing a nationwide public safety broadband network over which mission-critical devices can operate, but the timing is still unclear.

"Imagine what broadband can mean for EMS if personnel are documenting injuries to hundreds of people in a major disaster," says Don Wright, retired battalion chief in Glendale, California. "Think about the impact this could have for a victim's continuity of care if physicians at receiving hospital emergency rooms had the same information in real time."

Everyone agrees on the broadband objective-arm incident commanders (ICs) with the communications tools they need to "have the back" of the team. And, the benefit is clear-situational awareness raised to an entirely new level. The question is when this will happen.

The Transition Begins

It may be sooner than many thought. "We are just at the start of our transition to broadband," says Mike Worrell, acting chief, Technical Services Division, Phoenix (AZ) Fire Department. "But, the fire service is moving forward cautiously. We want to be sure that the networks and devices we use are reliable and cost-effective to operate."

Many departments have decided to start taking advantage of broadband themselves. These departments have discovered that they have several options available. On the network side, today's carriers provide services in multiple band classes plus 3G, 4G LTE, and WiFi. And when FirstNet is available, making the transition from these carrier networks will be easier than starting from scratch.

As for broadband devices, options today include smartphones, vehicular modems, USB LTE adaptors, and embedded LTE modules. And, several new public safety grade devices can connect to carrier LTE networks and to the future FirstNet network.

"We are experimenting with public safety broadband-capable LTE modems to create hot spots within our fire apparatus," says Kasey Beal, deputy chief, Fire Technical Services Division, Mesa (AZ) Fire and Medical Department. "By creating a hot spot, we can connect multiple devices to the modem and substantially decrease our ongoing air card costs."

Needs, Expectations Clarified

Working with broadband has helped departments better identify requirements for the future. The list includes the predictable-rugged, standards-compliant devices and the technological flexibility to accommodate emerging technologies ranging from biometrics to drones.

But, there are other pressing requirements-how best to manage data, training, and costs. Everyone agrees information over broadband must be understandable, easily usable, and targeted primarily to ICs. "You can't distract a guy with data while his primary job is operation of a hoseline," Wright says.

Training will take time to get to "best practices." And, cost will be a significant factor. Departments will have to make hard choices from an ever-expanding list of compelling options. Many of the hardware and application solutions may ultimately depend on when FirstNet deploys. That said, some thought leaders believe departments could be working more closely with engineers to develop systems and applications that could be put to use now.

Regardless of one's personal view, there i

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Posted: Apr 15, 2015

Justifying Proprietary Purchasing Specifications

By Bill Adams

Industry experts and fire service commentators weighing in on purchasing fire apparatus advocate writing open or performance specifications (specs). At the same time, they usually demonize proprietary specs as being unethical, morally incorrect, political hot potatoes, perhaps illegal, never in a purchaser's best interests, and giving preferred vendors blank checks.

You name it, and it's been said. It's politically correct to do so and is probably the narration most trade journals expect. And, I'm as guilty as the next person of saying it. However, there are two sides to every story. There are instances when proprietary purchasing specifications may be justified.

Apparatus Manufacturers

Many fire apparatus manufacturers (OEMs) will not broach the subject in a public forum. Some find it difficult and even embarrassing to discuss the advantages of a proprietary spec without appearing to promote their own product. That's understandable, and I respect their wishes. However, it's undeniable that OEMs want prospective buyers to write purchasing specifications favoring their apparatus. They just won't admit it or they can't. As a former dealer, I used to write "tight" specifications-"tight" being a polite term for proprietary. Is that being disingenuous, hypocritical, or illegal? Not really. A proprietary purchasing spec is a complicated mixture of capitalism and political correctness used to define a fire truck while staying within legal parameters. That's life-welcome to the real world.


Standardization is an easy sell for an apparatus purchasing committee (APC) to justify a proprietary spec to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). The more rigs a department owns, the easier the sell is. Drivers only have to train on one manufacturer's apparatus. Equally beneficial is having identical pump and aerial controls. Personnel and apparatus can move from station to station or company to company without requiring refresher or additional training. Standardization has added value in volunteer entities where there is limited exposure to operating apparatus. It can increase efficiency, productivity, and safety on the fireground. It's a justifiable use of resources and could be financially beneficial in the long term. Politicians embrace terms such as efficiency, productivity, and financially beneficial.

Fire departments with in-house shops should see lower maintenance and repair costs with standardized apparatus. They can keep parts inventories to a minimum. Mechanics will require less training when a single manufacturer supplies specialized components. Productivity and proficiency should increase with exposure to and familiarization with identical products. Politicos like lower costs and proficiency too.

Some OEMs contend that specifying a particular body material is a restrictive requirement. Specifying types of construction such as using bent and formed metal or the use of extrusions or bolted or welded bodies may also elicit questionable claims of being too proprietary. OEMs usually generate such assertions when specs do not specify their material of choice and method of construction. Nobody likes a whiner.

Astute purchasers can justify material choices and construction methods. Some fire department shops are capable of repairing body damage, replacing major component parts, and carrying out complete rebuilds. Specifying a material and method of construction familiar to shop personnel may be advantageous and cost-efficient. Shops and personnel may have the specific equipment, training, experience, and expertise to work with one type of material. Why purchase a material they are not familiar with, are not trained to use, or don't have the tools to work with?

Another case for specifying a particular body material is the unsatisfactory performance o

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Posted: Apr 15, 2015

The True Cost of Operating Worn-Out Fire Apparatus

Jim Juneau

Every fire department-whether urban or rural, large or small, career or volunteer-has a basic and ongoing moral and legal responsibility to provide safe and functional fire apparatus and equipment for use by its personnel in performing their duties. But, these are tough economic times, and a fleet of fire apparatus represents a huge capital investment for any department.

As fire departments face tighter budgets, and as the communities they serve demand a greater volume of more diversified first responder services, the difficulties of keeping an apparatus fleet in good repair and "safe for service" have become much more challenging.

Aging Fleets

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) "Third Needs Assessment of the U.S. Fire Service," published in June 2011, tells us that about half (46 percent) of all fire department engines (pumpers) in service in the United States were more than 15 years old, and 11 percent (almost 10,000 units) were more than 30 years old. Moreover, another 1,000 to 2,000 additional in-service engines cross that 30-year age threshold every year, two thirds of which are operated by fire departments that primarily serve rural communities.

Surprisingly, although awareness and acknowledgment of this aging fleet problem have become much more widespread, the numbers reported most recently by the NFPA have not varied significantly since the United States Fire Administration first collected and reported similar statistical data back in 2002. I don't have to tell you about the many dramatic safety and functional improvements that have been made in fire apparatus over the past 15 years-really basic things like enclosed cabs, antilock brakes, slow-close valves, cab-noise abatement, higher aerial tip loads, better seats, occupant and equipment restraints, equipment storage, lighting and slip resistance. Of course, there is a multitude of other improvements far too numerous to mention here, including some really fancy "connected vehicle" electronics capabilities and new vehicle stability and rollover protection systems that are now commonly available.

Nonetheless, these aging fleet statistics represent a shocking reminder to all of us that many firefighters working today still do not enjoy many of the significant safety and functional benefits that more modern apparatus would otherwise provide to them because they are working with old, worn-out equipment that long ago became obsolete.

Annex D

More than 10 years ago, in an effort to assist fire departments with the difficult task of determining when to refurbish or replace existing fire apparatus, the NFPA joined with technical experts provided through the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers' Association (FAMA) to develop a set of recommended practices relating to the replacement or refurbishment of in-service fire apparatus. NFPA 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus (2003 ed.), first incorporated these recommended practices as "Annex D," and the NFPA added the same Annex D to subsequent editions of NFPA 1906, Standard for Wildland Fire Apparatus; NFPA 1911, Standard For The Inspection, Maintenance, Testing, And Retirement Of In-Service Automotive Fire Apparatus; and NFPA 1912, Standard for Fire Apparatus Refurbishing.

At its essence, Annex D clearly defines the minimum recommended technology requirements for acceptable first-line fire apparatus and reserve apparatus, and it provides a clear definition of obsolete apparatus. It includes the following recommended practices relating to aging apparatus: "It is recommended that apparatus greater than 15 years old, that have been properly maintained, and that are still in serviceable condition, be placed in reserve status and upgraded in accordance with NFPA 1912, Standard for Fire Apparatus Refurbishing, to incorporate as many

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Posted: Apr 15, 2015

The HydroVent™ Nozzle

By Raul A. Angulo

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1963, Downtown Chicago, Illiniois-Firefighter Jim "Jaws" O'Donnell, of Truck 3, is responding to another midrise apartment fire with reported smoke and flames visible.

After searching for victims, O'Donnell finds himself face down on the ground trying to find one breath of good air. Back in 1963, there were no self-contained breathing apparatus, so you really did have to eat smoke. He found the end of an unmanned hoseline and immediately opened it up to breathe air from the nozzle. After getting a few good breaths, he decided he should start ventilating. He aimed the nozzle out the small window and opened it up. He could see and feel the smoke rushing out the window. He could also hear the guys from Engine 42 yelling, "We got it licked!"

As the smoke was clearing, O'Donnell could see there was a bigger window in the room. He knew if he took out that window, he'd have a better vent hole to clear the smoke faster-anything to end the beating they were taking. So, he shut down the nozzle and was immediately enveloped in smoke again. In the amount of time it took him to crawl over to the second window, conditions in the fire room went from good to bad. The steam was banking down and burning the guys from Engine 42. "We're losing it!" O'Donnell took the big window out with the nozzle and opened it up. The smoke and heat immediately started to vent, and he could hear the engine officer yelling to his crew, "Wait! Hang in there, boys! We're making it!" As O'Donnell held his position at the window, he kept thinking, "There's got to be a better way to do this." He put his mouth back to the nozzle to suck some more good air.

Like many firefighters, O'Donnell had a lot of ideas on tools and techniques but never acted on them. Fast forward 25 years. His son, Kevin, was now a third-generation firefighter. Although Kevin followed his dad's footsteps on to the job, it wasn't with Chicago; he joined the Franklin Park (IL) Fire Department in 1988.

After a house fire-which he thought went pretty well-Kevin mentioned to his dad, "I got yelled at yesterday by the battalion chief for spraying water through a window and attacking the fire from the outside. He said, 'Franklin Park is an aggressive fire department. We attack fires from the inside,' and warned me not to do that again. Dad, did I do something wrong?" O'Donnell answered, "No, son. You did it right. That's the smart way to fight a fire. That chief just hasn't figured it out yet." He went on to tell him how attacking a fire from a window knocks the fire down and prevents a flashover, making the environment better for victims and safer for firefighters. Feeling protective of his son was just the spark he needed. He didn't want his son to take the same beatings he took in fires and started sharing his ideas for hydraulic ventilation with Kevin.

Lt. Kevin O'Donnell, son of Jim "Jaws" O'Donnell and coinventor of the HydroVent,
prepares to put first water on the fire. The HydroVent is 7½ feet long and weighs 20
pounds with the pistol grip shutoff. The 95-gpm fog nozzle is at the tip. There is also
a 95-gpm straight-stream nozzle, spike to break windows, and windowsill holder.
This appliance can attach to any 1¾-inch hoseline with standard 1½-inch treads.
(Photos by author unless otherwise noted.)

Early Prototypes

Together, they c

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Posted: Apr 15, 2015

Kickin' Tires; Makin' Wish Lists

Chris Mc Loone   Chris Mc Loone

With FDIC International 2015 set to take place at the end of this month, the fire service trade show season is officially underway.

At various locations around the country, firefighters will visit regional as well as national exhibitions to get a glimpse of the latest and greatest products from apparatus and equipment manufacturers. From custom apparatus to rigs built on commercial chassis, what I really enjoy about these shows is seeing how other fire departments are designing their fire apparatus. Not every idea works for every department, but chances are that every firefighter will walk away with at least one idea for current or future apparatus.

If you are in the specification phase for a new apparatus, visits to these trade shows are invaluable-whether on your own or with your apparatus purchasing committee (APC). If you are with your committee, split up. The entire group probably won't be able to cover the show floor in its entirety if you stay together, and it might be a little easier to take a look at something objectively without the "peanut gallery" in the background.

Also, assign APC members to specific aspects of the truck. Assign one or two members to find out all they can about scene lighting options and configurations. Assign another group to look at crew cab configurations and still another to look at equipment mounting methods and designs. Along the way, they'll still get to look at all the fire apparatus, albeit for different reasons.

The danger here is that the list of things the committee is going to bring back might be hard to sort through and prioritize. More than likely some will feel they've discovered the solution to all the problems your department has faced with the apparatus it is replacing and are going to feel very strongly about it. Given recent presentations I've sat in on, these lists-and our willingness to purchase everything on them-are becoming a problem. That is not to say that it is not necessity driving us to spec an engine, for example, that has to carry additional equipment than engine company operations call for. However, there's a difference between spec'ing anything we want because we can and spec'ing what we need.

Trying to keep up with the department down the street or the next town over is an easy trap to fall into. But, if you and your APC focus on the mission of the apparatus you are looking to purchase, you should be able to sort through pretty quickly what is necessary vs. what would be "cool" to carry.

Cost will often be a determining factor, but do not be afraid to look at the total cost of ownership for the 10 to 15 years you will probably own and operate the truck-sometimes longer if it goes into reserve status. For example, in the short term, LED warning and scene lighting packages may be more expensive to purchase. But over the lifetime of the truck, will you save in maintenance and parts when you are no longer replacing bulbs regularly? Is that savings worth the initial investment? Only your APC can answer that.

And, don't forget that we operate in an industry that is constantly innovating and coming up with new products to help make our jobs easier and safer. The equipment you buy today will be improved five years after you mount it. When you are at the trade shows, take a look at how the equipment is mounted and where. My hunch is you're going to find open space in some compartments that is there specifically to allow for future equipment purchases.

None of this is groundbreaking, but it is worth bringing up as we venture out to the apparatus exhibits to see what's new. It is often easy to get caught up i

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